Life is too short to dive ****** regs. If you can’t afford to buy new, buy used and have them serviced.
Agree. If you can afford a rebreather, the training, and the cost associated with it there is not point in penny pinching over regs
Also I think I have seen you are selling several Apeks DST's and XTX50's in the For Sale section. Why??? those are very very high quality regs, those and the SP are the most commonly used technical diving reg in the world. Plus what regs do you think Dive Rite knocked off to make the XT1 and FT1 in Taiwan I might add.
If I was you I would just keep your Apeks regs and use those its like you have the original Coca Cola and now your switching to Kirkland Brand "Cola". Plus if you ever travel outside the US to Asian, Aus, EU, Middle East, good luck finding parts for Dive Rite. You can find Apeks and SP parts anywhere in the world. And almost 100% chance there is another tech diver using Apeks or SP near by that has spare parts with them as well.