The LDS and especially its owner have been very helpful, from time to time,
but I'm becoming increasingly reluctant to buy from them.
A recent call I had with the LDS owner demonstrates one reason why I am reluctant to buy big-ticket items from him: evidence that his mark-ups are huge, and his pricing is arbitrary. I somewhat reluctantly informed himthat I had bought a new Suunto Cobra, with compass and quick disconnect from another shop, on closeout, for $450 US (about $700 Canadian) He then told me to hold on, while he checked his listings, and then informed me that he could have "made a few cents on that". Two weeks before, a buddy who was looking at the same computer had told me that the same person had given him a bargain offer of the Cobra with just the compass for $839 Canadian.
(This was why, after guessing that a quick disconnect would add anothe $70 - $100 Canadian, I decided to go for the closeout offer in the first place! )
In other words, my poor buddy would have been told that he was "getting a deal" when he paid over $200 Canadian more for what he would have been getting, than I would have.
For the record, most of us would prefer somewhat more consistent pricing, even if it occasionally cost us a few dollars more, rather than getting a cutthroat deal one day on one item, only to be suckered by a huge mark-up on another item on another day.
Another reason I am less inclined to buy from the LDS is the limited selection. My daughter and I both bought SP graphite jetfins there because he offered them at a big discount from "suggested list", and because he touted the advantages of split fins. We both found them to be floppier a more flexible than we liked, but did prefer them to the stiff, non-splits he let us copare them with. After researching the matter further, I now realize that a pair of the stiffer black jetfins, or the twinjet, or perhaps the apollo, atomic or tusa splits would likely have been ideal alternatives. But none of these were available to try, or even mentioned as alternatives. The same is even more tru of the many different kinds of wetsuits and skins.
So, while we apreciate the LDS help and support, I am reluctant to buy any item I do not thoroiughly know and know the actual fair value of.
So while I really do appreciate his help and support, I find it ve