I can relate - this weekend while servicing a regulator set-up, I found that my LDS apparently hadn't touched the SPG's - maybe in years! The spool was stuck hard in the gauge side, and when I pulled it, after suspending the end in vinegar for 15 minuts to loosen up the corrosion, I found the end of it "mashed," and no O-ring on that end. I made a new spool on the lathe, out of brass. I didn't even bother calling the LDS to beg them to sell me one. It was quicker, easier, and much more satisfying to make one myself. Cleaned up the gauge, new spool O-rings, some lube, and its like new once again.
I was thinking - why is brass, and plated brass so much more commonly used in diving gear than stainless steel? And why aren't gauge spools plated?
I was thinking - why is brass, and plated brass so much more commonly used in diving gear than stainless steel? And why aren't gauge spools plated?
captain:Although I haven't built a whole regulator, I have machined replacement parts out of stainless steel rather than brass for my USD Aqua Master two hose regulator.