Any idea what caused the hole? They're pretty tough to puncture.
How long was the dive? Any issues? Did you have tubes in? Any leakage through those?
Dives were about an hour, at about 35 to 40 feet max. I was filming a Fundies class actually.

I dive with my undergarment cuff material pulled up under the wrist seal to vent them (although I probably didn't need to vent at all since we were pretty shallow, I just didn't think ahead and did). My arm was a pretty wet but not a flood by any means. I didn't get cold. I was wearing the Santi Flex 190, water temp was about 60 since we weren't very deep. The undergarment was pretty wet, but it really absorbs the water well.
I have no idea how I holed the glove. It was right at the webbing of my thumb to forefinger. Probably grabbing a rough spot on the boat ladder I guess? The boat that I was on has one of the swim steps that is really pretty rough and you swim up and get on it on your knees, the boat crew removes your fins while you kneel, then you stand up and climb a ladder that's not in the water. I always hate kneeling on those cheese grater type decks because I worry about my drysuit. It has kevlar knee pads but still.