@Zef I gave SiTech plenty of my money through the years and was never happy with their systems. Believe it or not; I actually LOVE the Waterproof Ultima Dry Glove System. I just happen to have an equal amount of hate for the install process of the gloves. That said, once the gloves are installed, it's a dream to use. They don / and doff easily and I've never had a leak at the seal. I ended up re-installing all four gloves this evening (once I perfected my method). Here's another video shot in the dark in the middle of the night (hence my username). It's shows start to finish (including some of my struggles) of how I built my jib and how I use it to install my gloves on the ring system.
Thanks for making and sharing your video. Could you possibly measure the inner and outer diameter of the coupler piece you insert into the glove in millimeters please?
Also, do you think it would be beneficial to use a dremel with a grinding or sanding stone to make a shallow groove to help retain the o-ring?