Hi SeaJay and to the forum,
I was planning to respond to the thread for quite some time now, but was busy enjoying the Schowa 720 and Waterproof Ultima combination

I registered dedicated for this specific post!
First of all a big
THANK YOU for the great recommendation and wisdom in this now rather long thread. I love the gloves and the system to bits!!!
My story goes as follows: I bought my custom-fit dry-suit in a rather sunny country, already with the oval rings and silicon cuffs. This was in the preparation for the case when I ever may need dry gloves. Now back in Germany I do, and got the rest of the SiTech Antares system first. Trying to fit the gloves into the Antares with a large number of Schowa 660 gloves, I got the gloves torn and cut before entering the water once. Two pairs of gloves later, I made a single dive with it. In the first minute the glove with the ring came off completely and all separated (glove/ring/tension ring). I was completely fed up! I was already planning on Kubi or some other expensive system to fix the issue with $. Yet I came across this thread and see there, the Waterproof Ultima turns out a perfect replacement that fits the dry suit outer ring perfect. The Ultima is extremely rock solid, sturdy and superb donning/doffing. I could not wish for more. The recommendation of the gloves really put the icing on the cake, they are flexible, very solid, abrasion resistant and thin. Especially the thin part gives me so much more dexterity under water, amazing when fiddling with a rebreather and two stages. Putting these gloves on the ring is a bit of fiddling but you won't do it often! I think they are a tiny bit smaller to the 660, but that is minimal and for me even better.
So once again, Thank you and especially SeaJay, you saved me $, time and a hell lot of frustration for the rest of my diving life, I am really happy about it!
One more tip for the cold water divers: I also got the Fourth Element Xerotherm Wrist Warmers and it makes it an unbeatable combination. No issues with to much / too little air in the glove and cozy warm. Before I sometimes had to consciously lift my arm to get air in the glove, this is a thing of the past.
Cheers and happy diving to all,
PS: The tip to cut the silicon cuffs off should be taken with consideration of the respective dive setting / style. For me it's simply not an option due to 4 Degree Celsius (39,2 F) water temperature and 1h+ deco obligations when coming up from 60m.