Deep South Divers
Wow... GREAT review!
I just bought some more ring systems for my other drysuits. I therefore have a few sets of gloves preloaded on rings sitting around and haven't needed to search for extras.
If anyone can get some, it'd be Dive Right In Scuba.
I am super interested in seeing you load gloves onto rings using both your jig and the lip of your workbench. I'm building a new workshop and was planning on duplicating your offset disk idea - but now I'm not sure. Can you show me? Video maybe?
The 720s are better gloves in every way for this purpose. They're stretchier, easier to load onto the rings, and more durable too - so they'll last longer and you won't have to load gloves as often.
...But an unexpected advantage of the 720s is that they're warmer than the 660s. Nitrile just does a better job insulating than PVC does... So you might find that you're less reliant on undergloves than you used to be.
I just bought some more ring systems for my other drysuits. I therefore have a few sets of gloves preloaded on rings sitting around and haven't needed to search for extras.
If anyone can get some, it'd be Dive Right In Scuba.
I am super interested in seeing you load gloves onto rings using both your jig and the lip of your workbench. I'm building a new workshop and was planning on duplicating your offset disk idea - but now I'm not sure. Can you show me? Video maybe?
The 720s are better gloves in every way for this purpose. They're stretchier, easier to load onto the rings, and more durable too - so they'll last longer and you won't have to load gloves as often.
...But an unexpected advantage of the 720s is that they're warmer than the 660s. Nitrile just does a better job insulating than PVC does... So you might find that you're less reliant on undergloves than you used to be.