..While we were in Canada I had Merry put her hands inside the Ultima rings another diver had. She was able to get her hands through easily so I bought her a set. She even went into the fishing store in Port Hardy and bought some 720s. I'll get her to try them out this weekend. She's hesitant to remove her wrist seals but I think after a few dives she will relent.
Yeah, most people that I talk to are reluctant to trim their wrist seals all the way back too (effectively removing them). I guess old habits die hard, and nobody really trusts drygloves - which makes sense if they're used to latex gloves.

I can promise, though, that the nitrile 720s are a LOT more durable and trustworthy than either silicone or latex wrist seals.
...Not that it's a bad idea to have both I guess - and if a diver keeps the wrist seals, they always have the option of using a wet glove... Or no gloves at all. Thing is, though - once they try this Ultima/720 combination, they'll never want a wet glove again... And they'll sorta come to the conclusion that the ease of donning that comes with the fully trimmed ("removed") wrist seals would be a big advantage - and it is.
...Anyway, I have you to thank for the idea. My bet is that Merry will come to the same conclusion that you and I did.

I guess it just takes a while to learn to trust the gloves.
Are you planning on making a video so that I can see how you use the clamps? Do the arms of the clamp clear the rest of the ring? Why do I need three? Sounds like a job for two...
Ordered sample gloves form Showa - they were very nice. Sending me Lg and XLg to try. Thanks for the tip Seajay!
You bet buddy!

Combining my dives with all the divers I know diving the SHOWA 720 gloves, there's probably 1000 or 1500 dives total over maybe 15 divers or so... And the general consensus seems to be that they're superior in every way to any latex "Marigold" style glove, and better than the SHOWA 660 "Smurf" glove, the 620 "orange" glove, the 660ESD "black" glove, and the 490 "Furry Smurf" glove. I'd go so far as to consider them "tried and tested" at this point, so I can recommend them without hesitation over any other glove I list here.