I was lucky, I guess…my dry suit came standard with the Si-Tech oval wrist ring system and silicone seals, so all I needed were the Ultima DGS rings…I am still using the original pair of 720 gloves that SHOWA sent me as a sample to figure out the size I would need. I have purchased spares of the 720 gloves for that “just in case scenario”…I used up one pair when I swapped over to Rolock 90.With DGS, glue, showa 720's, PU rings all added together I remember it being right @ $200 even when I did mine. Prices are outrageous.
We have not been diving in quite awhile…first due to Covid but then due to our move back to the US, but our house is not far from Lake Erie so I may need to get around to unpacking dive gear sooner than later. Given the price at DGX, I may purchase a Rolock 90 set for my wife’s suit before the price of those goes through the roof.