Let's summarize:
Global warming advocate's position: global warming is a fact; it is beyond question; no rational person would dare question it; anyone who even suggests that there MIGHT be an alternate explanation, or perhaps no warming at all, is an idiot, a Republican, watches Bill O'Reilly, voted for Bush and clubs seals for a hobby; not a single DIME should be spent on any research that might cast doubt on it; any professional who even hints that it might not take place should have their credentials stripped (this has indeed been suggested by the First Amendment conscious Weather Channel)...
Global warming skeptic's position: there may or may not be warming, it may or may not be human caused, it may or may not be bad even if it were occuring, and we should keep an open mind about the issue, and do further research, before mortgaging our lifestyles based upon the computer predictions of a bunch of previously unheard of nerds who can't predict major weather patterns in the South Atlantic one season in advance with any accuracy let alone the atmospheric behavior of the whole planet fifty years from now...
which position is unreasonable? I rest my case
the first position is NOT the one of a rational, scientific mind, it is the one of a zealot who, deep down, fears the truth
I choose the 2nd option for myself, but I am a Republican!

People tend to be multidimensional, I've learned, so I view stereotypes and labels as but a way to foster prejudice.