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I pulled the image form the NASA site and it is there...looks like a wind carved rock formation that appears to be a statue of a sitting figure with its arm out. I wouldn't venture anything else unless they send the rover over for a closeup. Without having something to compare size with it is hard to say how close, and how large it really is.
It's been explained! Aha!!

Military Blames UFO Reports on Jet Drills - AOL News

Military Blames UFO Reports on Jet Drills

Posted: 2008-01-24 07:00:32
Filed Under: Nation News
FORT WORTH, Texas (Jan. 23) - So much for aliens in Texas dairy country. At least that was the message Wednesday when the military said 10 F-16 fighter jets were training in the Stephenville area the night dozens of residents reported seeing a UFO.

Although Air Force Reserve officials in Fort Worth initially said they had no planes in the area Jan. 8, they said Wednesday that they were mistaken and wanted to set the record straight "in the interest of public awareness."

But some residents remain convinced that it was no human-made aircraft, saying the military's revelation actually bolsters their claims. Some insist they saw at least two fighter jets chasing a large object with bright lights.

"This supports our story that there was UFO activity in that area," said Kenneth Cherry, the Texas director of the Mutual UFO Network, which took more than 50 reports from locals at a meeting last weekend. "I find it curious that it took them two weeks to 'fess up. I think they're feeling the heat from the publicity."

Well-respected business owners and a county constable were among dozens who swear that what they saw was larger, quieter, faster and lower to the ground than an airplane. They also said the object's lights changed configuration, unlike those of a plane.

"I guarantee that what we saw was not a civilian aircraft," Steve Allen, a pilot and freight company owner, said Wednesday.

Allen said that the planes' training area in the Brownwood Military Operating Area that includes Stephenville's Erath County does not include the airspace where he saw the object. Also, Jan. 8 was not the only day sightings were reported.

Maj. Karl Lewis, a spokesman for the 301st Fighter Wing at the Joint Reserve Base Naval Air Station in Fort Worth, declined to comment on the nature of the military training or say if it took place on other days.

He initially said folks may have seen an illusion caused by two commercial airplanes and reflections from the setting sun. On Wednesday, he said he should not have speculated about the reported sightings.

Anne Frazor, who owns a fabric store in Stephenville, about 70 miles southwest of Fort Worth, said many in town have seen military aircraft zoom overhead from time to time as part of training operations. But she said that is different than what she saw Jan. 8.

"I couldn't begin to say what it was, but to me it wasn't planes," Frazor said.

Since the reported sightings two weeks ago, the 17,000-resident town has had some fun with the international publicity. Some high-schoolers made T-shirts that read "Stephenville: the new Roswell" on the front and "They're here for the milk!" on the back. A picture features flying saucer beaming up a cow.

Several stores put new messages on their marquees, including "Aliens welcome."

This week Tarleton State University is even hosting a lecture by a UFO researcher on the U.S. government's secret response to UFOs, based on previously classified documents obtained under the Freedom of Information Act.

The U.S. Air Force says it has not investigated UFO sightings since 1969 when it ended Project Blue Book, which examined more than 12,600 reported UFO sightings - including 700 that were never explained. That program started a few months after the 1947 crash near Roswell, N.M., which the government said was a top-secret weather balloon but others involved later said was an alien spacecraft.

"What we want is the government to admit there are UFOs and what they know about them," Cherry said.

Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
Ya know, I find it amusing how many people cut and paste articles including the copyright that says you shouldn't do that (broadcast, rewrite, distribute...).

No, I'm not the copyright police. I'm just commenting on the irony; I'm sure I've done it myself a time or three, too. We're all a bunch of scofflaws, eh?
I believe something other than that crazy double report by the Air Force went on that night in Stephenville.....hmmmm
Has anyone ever seen a UDO ? :confused: Unidentified Diving Object ?
I spent some time in the military. Nearly everyone around us would report UFO's at some point or another.

Weird atmospheric conditions combined with a plane no one's seen at an air show yet tend to make for interesting tales.

Oh, be right back, some guys in black are at the door . . .
Has anyone ever seen a UDO ? :confused: Unidentified Diving Object ?

I saw a UDO once while diving a stock tank. There was the faintest of glows off in the distance and as I raised my arm to read my depth it got closer and closer. Finally, about a half inch from my mask I could just make out "8 feet".

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