You can't use a neoprene vest under the neck seal, or it will leak. Some wetsuit hoods can be tucked under the warm neck collar or whatever else is on your suit as a "dam" around the neck seal, and others are simply too big. You can always trim it, if you aren't going to use it with a wetsuit any more.
Dry suit dump valves do NOT dump as fast as BC dumps, which is one of the reasons it's not a bad idea, when you are a dry suit novice, to keep using your BC as your primary buoyancy control. But dry suit dumps can also stick -- a tip I got from the USIA guy here on SB was to soak the valve overnight in distilled water, and then again in water with a few drops of Ivory Soap in it. That can sometimes rehabilitate a sticky valve without taking it apart.
Dry suit dump valves do NOT dump as fast as BC dumps, which is one of the reasons it's not a bad idea, when you are a dry suit novice, to keep using your BC as your primary buoyancy control. But dry suit dumps can also stick -- a tip I got from the USIA guy here on SB was to soak the valve overnight in distilled water, and then again in water with a few drops of Ivory Soap in it. That can sometimes rehabilitate a sticky valve without taking it apart.