Twin Lakes Sinkfest

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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Seabrook, TX
# of dives
1000 - 2499
I told Mike I'd post his pic from this Saturday - I have a couple more that actually came out that I'm working over in PSP right now, I'll post links as soon as I get them ready.

Mike Freediving
Great Shot Chris!

Did the boat get sunk yet? TxDeepDiver and I brought it back to shore before we left on Saturday. Thought we would make it a little easier for ya'll to flip it back over and get it weighted down without having to spend time mucking around towing it back in.

Had a great time 'bench diving' with ya'll Saturday, hope to do it again sometime soon.

Dive often, but dive safe

Mike will like that one!

John, we recovered out lift bags from the boat yesterday. Mike was under the weather so nothing else was done to the boat. It's going to take more than just a load of rocks to sink that one. They were designed not to sink regardless of what happened to them!

I really am hoping he gives up the idea. Another small boat won't add that much, especially so close to the one we sank Wed. and too many of those small boats just start adding trash to the lake, like a dumping ground. I'd much rather see him put a couple of the bigger boats, like the 45ft. one he was telling us about. Just my 2¢. :)

Look forward to seeing you again....and bring Wally back with you.

I'm glad you got your lift bags back. I was sorely tempted to remove them from the boat and put them somewhere less conspicuous and send you a PM about it. However, I wasn't sure if you would check your email prior to heading back out Sunday, so I decided to just leave well enough alone and hope no one would bother them. Maybe it's just me, but it makes my skin crawl to contemplate leaving equipment behind for any reason...

I plan to return, just don't know when and I drag Wally along any chance I get.

See ya'll soon.

Dive often, but dive safe.

We wondered if ya'll had moved the boat or if it had drifted back to shore. I know what you mean about leaving gear behind but we figured it was so late in the day no one else would arrive and we had planned to be there earlt Sun. Even so....I sure was glad to see them!

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