Hi! My partner and I are looking at visiting Raja Ampat for his milestone birthday, in particular in March or April 2025. I love scuba (60+ dives, 1 past liveaboard experience) and he's more interested in freediving but is willing to do some scuba diving. I'm more of the planner in this relationship, hence this post haha. We're looking at liveaboards on the understanding we'd see more by being able to visit more remote spots, but perhaps being land based could work too?? That's a guess on my part, having never freedived before (I'm definitely going to give it a go before we book anything in!). If it was up to me, I'd love to do a 10 night scuba diving liveaboard, but it *is* for his big birthday sooooo..!
We'd be grateful for any tips and suggestions on the best way we can incorporate both (liveaboard or no?), which locations would work best for this (I keep reading about Misool!) and which operators we should look at. Budget-wise, it'd be great if the trip (excl flights) could cost less than USD3,000-4,000, if possible. We'd pay more for great diving experiences, and would prefer "reasonable" accommodations over luxe (thinking budget private rooms, without cockroaches). Thanks heaps!!