Tulamben - BALI Photographic dive tours

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Reaction score
Bali - Indonesia from Western Australia
# of dives
2500 - 4999
For those interested in diving in and around the Tulamben area of Bali, my wife Dawn & myself (Aussie Expats) are offering personally guided tours of Tulamben's dive sites for uw photographers and critter hunters, also photo clinics for small groups.
We place emphasis on exploration and have discovered dive sites visited by very few divers.
We also dive the World famous Liberty Wreck, Drop Off, Coral Garden, Batu Kelebit and Seraya Secrets.
We own a property just a couple of kilometres outside of Tulamben where we reside, we can offer secure/private accommodation, with our own house reef's.
Check out our website reefimages.i8.com or contact us for details reefwreckandcritter@yahoo.com

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