I gave an answer in post 55 but then I removed it because it might give to many details away. I am not going to design explosives or tell you how or what agents to mix or how to make the dissolving time trigger just to win an argument on the internet.
OMG, somebody is wrong on the internet! There is no way to have a discussion about fabricating explosive devices without giving away how it works.
Yeah, SHC, that is always fun.
Nemrod, you usually contribute to discussions with well reasoned responses, I just ask that you don't start in with this BS about chemicals the size of a pill causing an exothermic reaction large enough to turn the body into a fireball. This is a falsehood, pure and simple, and it cheapens any further statements you make on the subject. You were BSing, and I called you on it. Accept it. Please continue to enlighten us about subjects you do know something about (such as vintage gear). OR keep playing secret agent man, with your "deleted post"