TSA got you down?

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Problem is they hide behind the BS that they are protecting the public...pffttt. That gets them around that and allows them to do almost anything they want.
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The problem is that the TSA is strictly a defensive capability. Wars are won with offensive capabilities, not defensive ones. Until our government does a more effective job of attacking and neutralizing terrorism, we will continue to sacrifice our rights to defensive measures like the TSA that do little to combat the source of the problem.

If Pakistan and Yemen and other countries can not or will not effectively combat the terrorist elements operating inside their borders, then we need to take effective actions to accomplish our goals. Perhaps the $$ and efforts spent on TSA would be better spent on intelligence systems and smart weapons.
Ok so some agents can frisk me for as long as they want......if they just smartened up and updated their HR policies the upset public would be much more tolerant of stricter security.

The hiring policy for the TSA could be updated to include everybody's choices.


Is that the Israeli model everybody keeps talking about? Now I see why!
9/11 has been a traumatic event worldwide.

Unlike other attacks that had previously occurred, it was carefully planned like a screenplay, using lots of powerful symbols (seemingly harmless planes with innocents on board, crashing into buildings that emblemetize the US and, beyond them, Western civilisation…) and it was broadcast live.

Besides the 3000 death toll, the main casualty is how it impacted our (read : Westerners mainly, world-wide TV watchers probably, Americans definitely) psyche.
As a woman who has witnessed a rape may become scared of all men, we've become afraid of planes and/or muslims.
That's an understandable reaction, but when one is in an emotional state, it's hard to draw the line between rational fear and paranoia.

I personally won't stop traveling because of the TSA new rules, I already have to put up with so much BS everytime I go through a US airport (from immigration's stupid, endless and invasive questions to having my bags tossed and searched by customs) that a little patting almost sounds good :mooner: ).

But SERIOUSLY : how many attempted attacks these past few years ?
How many would have been prevented by the new rules ?
What's the likelyhood of dying in a terrorist attack ?
One in a million ? Ten in a million ?

The sad thing about life is that it always ends up the same : death.
No matter how hard we try (exercise, proper diet, heightened security, no smoking, no whisky, no eating in food stalls in a foreign country, no talking to strangers, no crossing the street, no bodily fluid exchange, no beach vacation because of tsunamis and, of course, no MOF/split fins/snorkel/spare air :)), all we can hope for is a few extra years.
If you want mine, take them. As Spinoza said : "A free man thinks of death least of all things, and his wisdom is a meditation not of death but of life."
Whatever happened to the so-called "Land of freedom" ?

I refuse to let the fear-mongers of this world (politicians, medias, conspiracy theorists, economists, racists, my banker, my mother) take over my brain.
I will be spending Christmas in the U.S. and have not been to the U.S. in several years. I see the news and threads like this and I do wonder if it has gotten so bad. I have traveled through Asia, Europe and even Africa and have found security personnel are as human as anybody else doing their job.

My observation is if:

I had a mundane job as theirs, my attitude will generally be reflective of the people I deal with. If I get a smile I would most likely smile back. If I get an attitude I would most likely give some as well for my own psychological well being (nobody wants to be a door matt).

If I searched a thousand people a day, I still don't think I would get my jollies from my job. That would not be where I would look for that kind of fulfillment :D

If I had to deal with people who just refuse to understand and appreciate the rules that have been applied just so they can argue with me (a lowly security guy) and hold up the rest of the line. I would not have a good attitude towards my job so excuse me for not being partuclarly pleasant.

Now that the lines are getting longer because of people who do not want to cooperate. I look back and see endless lines of people who are now getting frustrated because of the longer than necessary lines. The longer the lines get the more annoyed and unpleasant the people I am dealing with are getting. - It is snowballing.

Then I realize that the next person I pat down might simply want to bomb the Security checkpoint I was manning and not the planes or terminals I was trying to secure. Oh no. This job is beginning to look risky as well.

This job is really beginning to suck.

I think I will go see if their is an opening at the Burger King near my house.
I don't think the TSA is out to make us suffer, and that is doing the extra security without a purpose. I beleive they are doing, so because there is a credible treat.
Sometimes is easy to live in the past where we were oblibious the world treats, but the present world includes people who want to hurt and kill Americans. So the real question is, how much risk are you willing to take?,
I love diving and most of the time we need to fly to get to do so, I'm not letting a small thing as a security check stop me from diving.
For you to
So the real question is, how much risk are you willing to take?

Is one in 10 million acceptable risk?
So the real question is, how much risk are you willing to take?

If that is the real question then why were people not asked what they were willing to accept in the way of risk? There are no questions here. They are ramming new and more intrusive processes down people's throats and up their cabooses just to give the appearance that they are MORE effective (and I stress "to give the appearance"). They have decided what the public is willing to accept without ever asking. The TSA is being run by Kreskin apparently.

Is one in 10 million acceptable risk?

As long as you do not care that you are being ignored :wink:
I dunno I just have a hard time accepting to have my you know whats fondled all in the name of security, who knows what you may find down there maybe an exploding dick :wink:
I dunno I just have a hard time accepting to have my you know whats fondled all in the name of security, who knows what you may find down there maybe an exploding dick :wink:

So if that's the case, let's do it the israeli way.

-Lets have people walking around airports with automatic weapons.
-30 second interrogations of your kids while you're not present (see: post a few pages back about someone's family experience in Israel).
-Curbside checks that you are a ticketed passenger, no non ticketed family memebers allowde inside.
-Racial profiling. Meaning if you're white and from the midwest? You're likely to be an anti-government militant so you get extra questioning.
-Government IDs, because how else are they going to profile you? Therefore you need to register your address, your religious affiliation, your family history, all your relations, all criminal offenses. And carry all of that on a card with an RFID chip which OMG can be read from across the room by Big Brother! Oh wait they have all that information already.

But hey, they won't touch your junk.

Seriously, people are all complaining about how bad TSA is and comparing it to other countries, what I want to know is How effective were other countries' security when they FIRST STARTED. Rome wasn't built in a day folks.

Wouldn't only then we be comparing apples to apples?

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