To add a few answers to your questions to pvillestang:
UT instructors are not locked into UT, and many of us do teach on the side. riff.diving and myself both teach at Royal Scuba as well.
As for the choice between taking a shop class vs. the UT class:
pvillestang was completely right when he said your girlfriend will get only as much out of the course as she puts into the course. If she comes to class prepared and ready to learn then you can learn just as much from a well-run shop class as from the UT class. The only true difference is the pool we use at UT. By the time she gets to her open water dives she will already have done a number of dives down to 18ft. That being said having to commit to 3 months of class can be daunting for some, plus the cost of the UT class is easily double a shop class. All said you need to figure out what works best for you and most importantly what works best for your girlfriend. Please feel free to ask any other questions you see fit.
A very nice and honest answer! One question your girlfriend needs to answer. Will she have a better class through total immersion in two days or spread out over time?
One thing to add, do her first OP dives at San Marcos and the next at Travis. I personally feel that a diver need to go deeper than the lake in San Marcos allows to be certified.