Truth about sharks and periods

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as for whalesharks and sharks in general: I love them.

If I could, I would live underwater too and hang out with sharks all day, like Sololady.
Hello to All ,

My belief is that Blood , Urine ,Feces , leave a scent trail that the fine tuned nose
of the Shark can actually figure out ,what is on the other end .

My other belief is that if you don't act like pray you will not be attacked.

One more, what excites Sharks most of all the signals they receive from a wounded
fish, not the blood from the wound .

My 2cents Thank You

A very astute posting. I was also thinking about the pheromone and hormone scents that are also associated with the basic functions of mammals.

Sharks are attracted to distress signals that mammals give off.
Hello to all,
Just like predators above the water they have to take advantage of all their sense's.
The Shark has had more time on this earth to have evolved into a Fine tuned
eating machine ,using all of it's Sense . Not Luck !
Just because I wrote something here does not mean I present it the same way to students. Different situation, different tact. I did not think I needed to hold punches to experienced divers on a forum.

Believe it or not, I dove with someone that thought it was unnecessary to use anything during her period when diving about 5 years ago. I have also dove with people that have used pads but went light on the padding figuring it would just "wash out" and they did not want to be "inconvenienced" or "uncomfortable" (yes actual quotes). Wrong or right, offensive or not, these are experiences I have had. My point of my post was only to mention the high iron content...
It would be Great if all buddies would communicate more about these personal matters.
If I were diving where their is the real time threat of attack because you are actually
diving in there presents. I would hope my buddy would say something , if it was down
to this I would also be asking . I would also hope that it would be on your every womans dive check list ,also on the buddy dive check list .

Regardless if I keep my head and actions under control and not act like prey and face the threat head on. I have a chance!

Let's Dive
My 2cents
A very astute posting. I was also thinking about the pheromone and hormone scents that are also associated with the basic functions of mammals.

Sharks are attracted to distress signals that mammals give off.

Whoa!!!! Someone needs to define "distress signals" STAT! I'm planning on doing the Stuart's Cove shark dives down in Nassau and there's a good chance that it will be that time of the month. I'm super excited/scared about this dive already - they feed the sharks a couple feet away and tons of sharks swarm and come really close to the divers. My guess is that my heart is going to be racing about a hundred miles a minute while I'm screaming bloody murder (lol) through my regulator. Would that be considered "distress signals" ?????
Ladies...worry about the sharks on the boat when you are giving off pheromones, not the ones in the water.

Yeah no doubt! :crafty:
I've been diving for over 34 yrs..the only time I had shark "encounters" i was not on my period at the time...I do remember oncer reading a study that said most divers attack was after urinating in their I've always worried more about that than my period!...

But Im just a psycho diver as the movie "Jaws" was release the same week I got certified!...scared my diving psych for life!!
It would be Great if all buddies would communicate more about these personal matters.
If I were diving where their is the real time threat of attack because you are actually
diving in there presents. I would hope my buddy would say something , if it was down
to this I would also be asking . I would also hope that it would be on your every womans dive check list ,also on the buddy dive check list .

You're kidding, right?

There's no additional risk to diving when you have your period or when your buddy does. It just doesn't happen, regardless of the speculation or "points" that have been brought up here.

It's sure not something I'm going to discuss with my buddy - whether I know them or not. It's not relevant to my dive planning. LOL
I remember reading once about a study of shark attacks and it said that what most of the victims had incommon was that they'd just urinated.....if thats the case then its worse than being on my period as I urinated all the time while diving...:popcorn:

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