Truth about sharks and periods

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Hello to All ,

My belief is that Blood , Urine ,Feces , leave a scent trail that the fine tuned nose
of the Shark can actually figure out ,what is on the other end .

My other belief is that if you don't act like pray you will not be attacked.

One more, what excites Sharks most of all the signals they receive from a wounded
fish, not the blood from the wound .

My 2cents Thank You
you know... I dove pretty much with every type of sharks. I love them. If I could I wish I would be a shark. but it does not mean that I am not scared of them. I don't think that it is silly neither that it is ignorant from my part.

The fact that no "incident of an attack by a shark on a woman who was menstruating with other variables excluded such that the leaking of her dead vaginal fluid and tissue was the reason for an attack" as sololady said, has ever been recorded does not change the way I feel about sharks... Love them but still a bit apprehensious arround them.

I'm with ya there Miss Scuba. I dive with sharks when they happen to show up where I am diving. I am fascinated with them and love to just hang back and watch. I think the most important thing about diving with them is to keep calm, move slowly and keep all small appendages (like hands) folded into your larger mass of body. I don't do "shark dives." Of course, I am not employed as a DM or instructor, so I don't have to.

On the other hand, when I'm out there and we start seeing sign of Whale Sharks...that's another thing. What fabulous, beautiful creatures they are!! You can check out my photos of BZ01 in the international data base. We know so little about them except that we now know that "tags" don't work well with do.

Note to all: If you ever get to experience an encounter with a whale shark, we need a picture of the area behind the 5th gill slit, preferably the left side. We also need the date and time, as exact a location as you can give, as exact a description of the animal as you can give, weather and sea conditions, depth and anything else that you can share.

Deborah (sololady)
Sololady - I agree, whale sharks rock :D

Please make sure to send photos to ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification Library to add to the ever growing data base. It's very cool as each time your shark is recorded again, you get an email so you can follow the sightings! I love getting getting these emails and have been contributing shark footage for many years (I think maybe 96ish?). One can never see enough whale sharks and I'm already looking forward to next March and the start of our 2009 season - hopefully I can get out more than the three or four times I did this year!
Sololady - I agree, whale sharks rock :D

Please make sure to send photos to ECOCEAN Whale Shark Photo-identification Library to add to the ever growing data base. It's very cool as each time your shark is recorded again, you get an email so you can follow the sightings! I love getting getting these emails and have been contributing shark footage for many years (I think maybe 96ish?). One can never see enough whale sharks and I'm already looking forward to next March and the start of our 2009 season - hopefully I can get out more than the three or four times I did this year!

So TRUE!!! Everytime I get an e-mail about MY shark it's like I just got a letter home from a kid at college...

Having experienced both...and now that my son has passed on, I really enjoy getting those e-mails.

Dive smart, dive safe
I have heard from some of my fellow instructors that it is the iron content in the blood that inhibits the attraction by sharks.. which is supported by why many women are iron deficient while menstruating...

The high iron content does not lend itself to a tasty snack....

My info could be off base, but I would think if you take care of yourself during this time and don't just free flow, it really should a be a non-factor....
So go on, jump in and have fun - you'll likely feel better, too :D
Honestly, the change in pressure just might make all your pains go away. If my skin could handle it, I would live under water. I need to grow gills and scales.
My info could be off base, but I would think if you take care of yourself during this time and don't just free flow, it really should a be a non-factor....


"just free flow"???:confused:

:no If you really are an instructor and say something like that to one of your female students...shame on you. Who certified you?
I have heard from some of my fellow instructors that it is the iron content in the blood that inhibits the attraction by sharks.. which is supported by why many women are iron deficient while menstruating...

The high iron content does not lend itself to a tasty snack....

My info could be off base, but I would think if you take care of yourself during this time and don't just free flow, it really should a be a non-factor....

So just 'free flowing' is not taking care of oneself? ***, really.

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