Truth about sharks and periods

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However, I do know that many men (emphasis added)who are avid spear fishermen have plenty of experience with competitors for their catch. I advise them to let the catch go to the more dangerous predator. The smart ones do.


There are plenty of women who are spearos. As a member of homo sapiens sapiens I am the most dangerous predator, as are most members of my species. The smart ones survive, the others become steaks.

As Reef pointed out; if you let them have your catch they associate the food with humans and you are doing non spearos a disservice as sharks who have associated humans with food will approach them.

This became a problem with dolphins, there have been any number of instances where dolphins who have learned to associate humans with food have bitten people
There are plenty of women who are spearos. As a member of homo sapiens sapiens I am the most dangerous predator, as are most members of my species. The smart ones survive, the others become steaks.

As Reef pointed out; if you let them have your catch they associate the food with humans and you are doing non spearos a disservice as sharks who have associated humans with food will approach them.

This became a problem with dolphins, there have been any number of instances where dolphins who have learned to associate humans with food have bitten people

The top shooter in my dive club's spearfishing contest last year is a woman. This year's contest is still going on. She might win again.
The top shooter in my dive club's spearfishing contest last year is a woman. This year's contest is still going on. She might win again.

I would not come between my wife's or daughter's chosen meal. There are a number of women I know who spear who really take exception to anything attempting to hijack their catch.
Points well taken and I apologize for my narrow minded comment. Of course there are plenty of skilled female spearos and feeding sharks under any circumstance is something that makes me very uncomfortable. I know there are important exceptions, but the fewer the better in my book. It's easy to see the results of humans feeding top predators by studying the change in behavior of our gators since so many are now hatched in farms and then the required number of juveniles released back to the wild here in Louisiana.
I would like to thank sololady for asking this question. I have tried to research the same topic, but have always walked away as uncertain as I was when I started. I am scheduled to dive on bullshark ledge this weekend and needless to say, I am hoping that things wait until after this dive. If anyone has any diffinitive knowledge on the subject, I'm sure that more than a few of us would be interested.
So I just want to say...I went for a dive today....and I just so happen to be in the midst of my period.... and I encountered a shark ! I have read all the posts about this topic so I thought i would share my experience today... and like most other female divers I dont think its that much of an issue ! Mind you if i was goin diving with Great Whites or Oceanic White Tips.... I might think twice .haha !
Late to the game, as I only just stumbled upon this thread.

I did my OW referral dives last year in Bora Bora during my cycle and had no issues with the many lemon sharks and black-tip sharks I encountered. LOL that scubajennifer and I both had our periods while diving Tahiti.
I have snorkeled with my period in the Rockaways in New York and Maine, and never had a problem, though I never had my monthly when diving in the Tampa/ Clearwater area. My guess is the Shark Attack files might have the answer, or could direct interested folks towards the correct information.

I can state that research with large land predators, the jury falls on the side of caution with bears in bear country. Looking at the dives logged, I cringe at my pitiful 24 dives done years ago. But next summer I hope to have taken a class to be in the water again. And someday, I hope to move down South where the diving is not so COLD... Snorkeling in the summer is one thing, and diving in the summer should be good, too. But I like warm, clear water better.

you know... I dove pretty much with every type of sharks. I love them. If I could I wish I would be a shark. but it does not mean that I am not scared of them. I don't think that it is silly neither that it is ignorant from my part.

The fact that no "incident of an attack by a shark on a woman who was menstruating with other variables excluded such that the leaking of her dead vaginal fluid and tissue was the reason for an attack" as sololady said, has ever been recorded does not change the way I feel about sharks... Love them but still a bit apprehensious arround them.
Well, I've been diving with a nice variety of sharks for about 15 years while in various sorts of physical states. I've noticed no difference in the behaviour of said sharks no matter what day of the month it may be for me, my buddies or other divers in the water at the same time.

While I hate to be "definitive" I've gotta walk the fine line there and state pretty darned close to definitively that this is a total non-issue to be concerned about - the sharks don't care. So go on, jump in and have fun - you'll likely feel better, too :D

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