TropiGal Goes to Coco View

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Islamorada, FL Life in paradise is good good goo
Hey there. Just back from CoCo View and can't say I'm happy about it! Wish I was diving the wall right now...don't we all? Heading back as soon as possible - first time there but definitely not the last.

Finished NAUI AOW in between other dives. It was one of the best vacations I've ever had.

Looking forward to seeing everybody on Thursday at Cozymel's. We'll be there but our pictures won't. We're sending them off for the Kodak Sea Processing and that takes a week to ten days.

See you Thursday night!
Originally posted by TropiGal
Hey there. Just back from CoCo View and can't say I'm happy about it! Wish I was diving the wall right now...don't we all? Heading back as soon as possible - first time there but definitely not the last.

Finished NAUI AOW in between other dives. It was one of the best vacations I've ever had.....

Did you find the Frogfish on CCV Wall? How was the resident Banded Jawfish, Henry? The one just off the chain about halfway to the sand flats.

Come on...I need some trip details! I'm having CCV withdrawals really bad..:(
It was great....all of it! My mind is still whirring from all that I saw. Visibility averaged on the walls about 85 to 90 so I guess it was down a little due to the brief but hard rains each night. You had to get to the wreck very early in the morning (6:30 or so for good vis) to avoid being in the silty water. We tried to do early morning dives frequently for that reason.

I didn't see the frog fish on the wall but we saw a toad fish returning to the boat from Calvin's Crack. I'm not sure about Henry just off the chain (think I saw a banded jawfish or a very small spotted eel in a burrow very near there though - his big eyes and mouth were all I could see - he wouldn't stick his head out and I was NOT sticking my hand in..LOL)....there were several other fish always there along the chain to include a red hind (I think) and a squirrelfish in the same spot that I always said "HI" to on my swim out. The yellow head jawfish just tickled me to death....they just looked like they were popping up to say "Helllllooooo" then "oops....too far, see ya"...before popping back in.

We saw a very large (maybe 2') puffer fish of some kind on the night dive near the wreck. It was hard to see it's markings. The instructor said it was the largest he's ever seen.

I saw a seahorse coming out of Mary's Place but the current was stronger than usual (according to Enrique, the DM) so nobody could look for long. We really had to work to make it to the entrance to Mary's Place and then afterwards back to the boat and bow line for our safety stop. We were hanging on there like flags in a stiff wind with our bodies horizontal and the fins flying in the breeze! But Mary's Place was impressive with calm water inside. We were last in line going through - everybody did a great job of not touching anything so there was not much particulate in the water and Bill took advantage of our end position to take a few pictures inside since we would not be holding anybody up coming through behind us. I hope they turn out!

The highlight for me was on the last morning on the 6:30 a.m. dive - we were on Coco View Wall about 200 feet or so from the cut in about 25 feet of water when a school of blue tang (maybe 30 or more) swam by me and I started to swim along with them very smoothly and calmly. They circled me, went by and then came back, surrounded me and allowed me to swim along with them for about a minute or more before they headed upward and away through the coral. They were so beautiful and comfortable with me being there...and I was able to observe them up close and personal from all angles while being inside their school.

As I said, I finished my AOW and did my 50th dive at CCV so I got two certificates at the Friday night party! I knew I'd get the AOW but the 50th dive certificate was a surprise. We all had a great time dancing and story telling.

I thoroughly enjoyed myself - most relaxing diving I've ever done. Can't wait to return. Thanks for the tips you gave me before going.
I'm glad to hear Enrique is back, at least periodically. He had quit to get married and start his own business but kept hitting snafu's. When we were there in March, he was coming in every few weeks. "Pool's open...get off my boat!"

If you saw eyes and a mouth, that was Henry. He's been in the same spot for the last 2-3 years....or at least his family has been using his house! That large puffer usually hangs out around the coral head just to the right of the 'trail' before you get to the wreck...he's a big one!

I like that last leg of Mary's Place the best. Never heard of such current there, but I surely know about flag diving. Did you do Calcin's Crack? I think that's my favorite of all the sites away from the resort. Dropping headdown into that vertical crack and following it down, around and out...I just love that! And there's always such interesting critters hiding in there.

I sure am glad to hear someone else like to dive early in the morning! Beast and I like to get out just as daylight hits around 5:30am. You get to see the night creatures going home at the start of your dive and the day creatures coming out...just like your school of Tangs. As much as I like those vertical walls, there's just as much to see by staying on the top of the reef!

Thanks for your report. I've had my CCV fix for awhile, I feel better now...
I certainly can understand the "withdrawal". Well, I'm glad to know that it was Henry I saw. I couldn't figure out how to describe him to Bill....I watched "Henry" for about a minute or so and tried to get Bill's attention without making any noise but he was photographing something else...when he saw me and came over - NO EYES there....little stinker had slunk back further I guess. I couldn't even find the hole again...LOL...oh well. I'm glad to know that he's there all the time - I can catch him or one of his young 'uns next time.

You are absolutely right about where we saw the you know what kind he is?

Yes, we did Calvin's Crack. That was so strange to me since I had never entered into a hole like that. I was apprehensive while on the boat, but once I got there.....not a problem.....dropped right in without hesitation right behind Bill. He looked back after getting inside, half expecting to have to coax me through, but I was already on his heels exploring inside! Too cool!!!! It was one of my favorites too.

I do want to dive Mary's Place again in calmer conditions so that I can explore more of that area.

Enrique was great. It was his first week back after being gone for about 6 or 7 weeks. He tickled me with his antics and catch you said, "Pool's open.....get OFF my boat." And what about "We will be at the dive site in 15 minutes 28 seconds".

The first boat dive of the trip for me was supposed to be to Connie's Wall but the seas were pretty rough...a rainstorm blew up quickly and provided us with a demonstration of the power of Mother the time the boat got down to Connie's Wall which is about 25 minutes from CCV (but took us longer this time) we were all soooo ready to GET OFF Enrique's boat and get into that open pool.....but, alas, he went off first only to find that the mooring buoy line had been severed. He worked and worked and bobbed around out there for quite some time - before Jorge could get the boat worked back around to pick him up. Bill was up on the bow throwing the line to Enrique and Jorge was steering....they finally got Enrique back in the boat and headed off to find somewhat calmer waters. Adventure on the High Seas!! hehehe

From there, he took us to "No Name Wall" where there were still some hefty swells.....but we had a great dive. A little tough getting back on the boat and I have the bruises to prove it (Note to self: Hold onto the BOTTOM rung of the ladder with one hand while removing fins and then mount the ladder. Do NOT put a knee on the ladder and hang on for dear life while trying to remove fins!! Yeeehawwww - I'll remember that ride!) We all had a great dive though and that was the last of the rough seas.

If you've got a picture of Henry......I'd love to see it and so would Bill since he didn't see him at all. We sent our pictures off today.....keeping our fingers crossed!
...but they surely play hell with the conditions on the south side. That's one of the great things about CCV, if the seas are a bit rough just stay off the boats and do shore dives. Year before last was the first time we'd had high seas and took advantage of the shore diving. It only last a couple of days but we dived from shore all week, doing only 2 boat trips.

You can now say you've been on the Boat Ladder rodeo! :D did you use the moon roof for exits after that? That doorway in the floor of the boat really is an easy exit in rough seas.

The puffer we see is actually a Porcupinefish. Thay can grow to 3ft! The one I'm thinking about is about 2ft or more. He's sort of skittish and I've never gotten a good close up of him. Maybe I will with the digital zoom lens!

Here's one of the pictures of Henry. One way to get him out of his hole is to slightly move one of the rocks at the entrance. He can't stand it and will come out to jiggle it back in place. When we got there that week he had a mouthful of babies and was very shy about coming out. After he released them, he was friendlier. I suppose living just a few inches off the chain, he gets used to seeing divers drifting over the top of him all the time!


My favorite shot of the end of Calvin's Crack...


Thanks for the memories!
Oh yes, that's him! Thanks for the photo. Bill just looked at it and said, "that's exactly how you described him".... the coloring, bug eyes and big open mouth. He's never seen one before either. I'll remember that about moving one of the rocks to lure him out for a better look.

I am glad you confirmed that the puffer is actually a porcupinefish. I scanned my fish ID books the next day and that's what I believed I saw but hadn't heard anybody else call it that. I thought that I might have been mistaken as to what I saw because of the low light.

That's a great shot of Calvin's Crack....flashback!! Thanks.

As for the moon roof, I didn't use it. We had mostly calm seas the rest of the week. However; after I got on the boat that day, Bill went back under and helped another woman up through the center ladder and he followed. He has used them many times before in the rougher waters off the NC coast so he was very comfortable with it. As for me, as I was ascending, I remembered it was there and started to swim for it but as I got under the boat, I had a vision of being banged on the head by the hull so I headed for the platform ladder instead. Decided to heed my "gut" instinct on that one. I probably should have tried it in calm waters once or twice to get the feel of it in case I ever need to do it again. This was a trip of many "firsts" for me ...I'll put that on the list for next time!

I know you are anxiously counting down until your trip to CCV. We are already planning for next year. Thanks again for sharing your great photos.
Originally posted by TropiGal
.... We are already planning for next year.....

Well, now that you mention it....we do have 1 double room left for April 12-19, 2003. It could have your name on it! :wink:
and send me the details please on 2003
You beat me to it!!! Just kidding. We actually signed up yesterday for July 19 - 26, 2003 - Bungalow C has our name on it for that week. Sure would be great if some of you were there too.

Thanks for the invite Dee...wish I WAS going sooner.

Mike, see you tomorrow night!

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