Tropical Depression 2

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Austin, TX, USA
# of dives
500 - 999
Predicted to be a hurricane by Sunday and headed straight for Cozumel. If it stays on its predicted path it will be here Thursday or Friday. We leave on Tuesday.
Predicted to be a hurricane by Sunday and headed straight for Cozumel. If it stays on its predicted path it will be here Thursday or Friday. We leave on Tuesday.
Are you leaving to get out of the hurricane’s way or scheduled departure? We are slated to fly in on Wednesday..
We leave on Tuesday.
Are you there now and leaving the island Tuesday or flying in?

Beryle is his name to be isn't it?
On Cozumel now and leaving Tuesday
That's right, your wife's computer dropped the other day. He is now named TROPICAL STORM BERYL and expected to become the first Atlantic hurricane.

We are slated to fly in on Wednesday..
You may want to reconsider. By Tuesday your airline should offer free changes and your hotel as well.
Isaac is the one I am worried about, it always seems to be the "I" storms that hit my area. Irma, Ian, Idalia.
Hurricane Isaac devastated Galveston in 1900. Erik Larson's book, "Isaac's Storm" is/was used in college meteorology classes and is a good read. Isaac's Storm - Wikipedia
Hurricane Isaac devastated Galveston in 1900. Erik Larson's book, "Isaac's Storm" is/was used in college meteorology classes and is a good read. Isaac's Storm - Wikipedia

Oh we are safe then, Issac Jr will go to finish the job his father started.

I joke but early and late season storms are when the steering currents favor a direct hit to the Gulf side of Florida. And the Gulf is like a hot tub right now. And some of the models are favoring the hooking pattern that could hit us.

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