Below is the reply from my partner Memo Mendoza and fairly reflects the reality of trying to serve divers as we do. The quote from our web page was a bit out of context in that it failed to include the qualifier that "we are not perfect but do the very best we can, given conditions.
From Memo Mendoza:
Well, we have been very busy, lots of divers, air , nitrox , advanced, beginners, classes , juniors ,etc...
We had hard time matching.
In occasions we had boats with 7 divers and one boat with 3 divers with air beginners and a Junior divers, what a contrast no?
Is not that we are trying to make tons of money packing boats to a max. Is about trying to match the best we can, with what we got.
Is not safe rent lots of boat every day, we only have a couple of good safe boat that we know and trust the captains and owners. Not counting how hard is to FIND available boats.
He is right, we need to change our webpage. Specially where it says is not safe more than 6.
The total phrasing needs sone adjustments.
7 decent advanced divers Can be comfortable with each other and have wonderful dives, like he did.
7 really beginners apprehensive divers will be a potential problem for one DM. only on special occasions we are forced to match 7 divers on a boat²
YOU are the CHINGON to Write.
Plus we have not raise our prices for a long time, even things cost much more, gas in one example
We either raise our prices or make 7 a normal practice when we are forced.
Guillermo Mendoza
Aldora Divers
Cel. +52 1 987 8761529
Trabajo (987) 8723397
aldora. com
Cozumel , Q.roo, Mexico