I was great seeing everybody this weekend. As reported it was pretty #&!%# cold. There were 2 OW students out there certifying in wetsuits!! They sure did earn that c-card going out in that weather.
And if anyone ever needs a good dive buddy, talk to James. Not only is he a great diver but he also covers up the fact that I had to call the dive with his leaking drysuit story
I made the mistake of trying some much thicker undergarments than I usually use and did not compensate where I should have. I added alittle weight but not nearly enough and ended up struggling through the first 15 mins of the dive, and had to go up the line to keep from corking. All in all a very unpleasant dive. So with James's leak and my inability to control myself, I thought it was time to end the fun for that dive.
The second dive was very nice and relaxing, and made it worth the trip.
The hole itself was mostly blocked from the wind, so it wasn't too unpleasant getting in and out, but the wind was ripping across the parking lot. Abqdivers setup really saved the day. It was downright pleasant in the shelter he put up, and we had tea, hot chocolate, a heater, and even a grill for food.
It was great seeing everybody, and great to meet some new friends (Roger). Hopefully when the weather gets better we will get even more people to come out.
Happy new year everyone!
And if anyone ever needs a good dive buddy, talk to James. Not only is he a great diver but he also covers up the fact that I had to call the dive with his leaking drysuit story

...My buddies and I started our dive and about 10 minutes into the dive my right arm felt wet. Ugh.. How ironic is it that the one place that I did NOT poke a hole in my suit is the place that it decides to leak? So I feel on my arm and you could practically hear the "slosh slosh" sounds in my suit. I took out my trusty wet notes and wrote "My arm is wet" and showed my buddy. He acknowledged and we decided to surface together while letting the other guys continue the dive. We did a nice ascent and exited the water.
I made the mistake of trying some much thicker undergarments than I usually use and did not compensate where I should have. I added alittle weight but not nearly enough and ended up struggling through the first 15 mins of the dive, and had to go up the line to keep from corking. All in all a very unpleasant dive. So with James's leak and my inability to control myself, I thought it was time to end the fun for that dive.
The second dive was very nice and relaxing, and made it worth the trip.
The hole itself was mostly blocked from the wind, so it wasn't too unpleasant getting in and out, but the wind was ripping across the parking lot. Abqdivers setup really saved the day. It was downright pleasant in the shelter he put up, and we had tea, hot chocolate, a heater, and even a grill for food.
It was great seeing everybody, and great to meet some new friends (Roger). Hopefully when the weather gets better we will get even more people to come out.
Happy new year everyone!