Having done more then a few seals and replacing seals on my suits and for friends.
I prestretch the seals over an AL80 for a day or so before installing them on a suit. This helps relax the latex and keeps the size more stable going forward.
For trimming I also use a Rotary cutter. For those that don't know, think pizza cutter that is sharp enough to take off a finger with ease. As a second choice a BRAND NEW razor blade will do the job as well.
The cutting surface is VERY important. You want to strech the seal just a little bit so its stable but not a lot. You also want a plastic or wood surface (PVC works good as other have said). Cutting on metal or glass surfaces will dull the edge of the blade VERY fast. Which then as said before will cause dragging and a possible tear.
The technique of cutting is the last key. You want to make one sweeping motion without lifting the blade. You want a nice very clean edge when done. Any nicks or bumps will be the seed for a split as the seal deteriorates. NEVER use scissors to trim a seal, EVER! If the edge of your seal looks like a dog chewed on it your going to have issues in about a year.
sharp scissors worked out perfectly and were actually recommended by numerous people. I was also told that prestretching does absolutely nothing. Your seal loosens up as the material breaks down, not because it's stretching.