Trim Wt Pouches for Shoulder straps

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Ocala, FL
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50 - 99
I have a Ranger BC and need a couple of 2 lb wts on my shoulder straps for trim.

I just spent a week in Cayman Brac:D and have my bouyancy dialed in pretty good(I was able to hold a 15' stop in open ocean with 500lbs, hovering ...)....the only issue was my posture or attitude in the water..with all my weight in my hip / waist pouches, I was constantly vertical (feet down) in the water..We kept moving 2 x 2Lbs toward my head, and finally found that they worked perfectly at the shoulder straps..I wore them all week and it was great....

I'd like something a little "nicer" than a couple of 2 lb'rs hung on my harness...Is there any nice looking pouches that will take a 2 lb wt, and hang (wrap, loop or velcro) onto a 2 inch shoulder harness on a Ranger? New Product suggestion ? I'll be happy to help design/beta test...


Hi Scott...

I saw those, but the strap goes the wrong way...

I need these on the shoulder straps not the tank straps (my shoulder straps are almost a foot higher than my tank straps...that distance makes a big difference). Since I'm using a 2lb on each strap, using a single pouch on the tank strap would take > 6lbs to equal the force on the shoulders...thus I'd need two pouches on the tank strap (or the big 8050 pouch).

Also, since the straps go the "wrong" way for the shoulder straps, they cross my shoulders and bang my neck...I'm looking for one that goes in line with the strap, not across it...


I had the same problem. I dive with AL80's and I have Zeagle Ranger LTD, and I ended up moving the lower tank belt trim pockets to the upper tank belt. (LTD has trim pockets, but they at the bottom tank belt.)

Putting more weight in the tank trim pockets shouldn't be a problem since you are
only moving weight around. If you put more weight in the tank trim pockets, you
put less weight in the main weight pouches.

Having trim pockets on the shoulder straps might get in your way. Around the tank
they are probably more streamlined and out of the way...

Also, make sure the tank is positioned properly. You should be able to tilt your head up, but also you should be able to touch the tank valve with your arm in case you need to turn it on/off.

Putting some ankle weights around the tank valve is also an idea...

Just my 0.0002 cents. :)
Been discussed many times here. Just move the trim weight pockets to the top tank band. No they aren't designed for that but they work. No they won't velcro like the others but that is no big deal. Just make sure that the pouches are tucked nicely against the back of the jacket. If you don't it isn't going to be the end of the world nor are you going to kill yourself. :D
Hi Scott...

I saw those, but the strap goes the wrong way...

I need these on the shoulder straps not the tank straps (my shoulder straps are almost a foot higher than my tank straps...that distance makes a big difference). Since I'm using a 2lb on each strap, using a single pouch on the tank strap would take > 6lbs to equal the force on the shoulders...thus I'd need two pouches on the tank strap (or the big 8050 pouch).

Also, since the straps go the "wrong" way for the shoulder straps, they cross my shoulders and bang my neck...I'm looking for one that goes in line with the strap, not across it...


Sorry Steve, but we don't make anything that will mount weight on the front shoulders...

If you come up with something that works, let us isn't something that I can recall anyone ever asking for, but you never know...

Sorry Steve, but we don't make anything that will mount weight on the front shoulders...

If you come up with something that works, let us isn't something that I can recall anyone ever asking for, but you never know...


No problem Scott...I'm presently using a pair of soft 2lb's zip-tied to the harness straps above the D-rings on the shoulder straps. The only downside to this is the "permanent" weight on the harness...I think XS-Scuba makes small pouches that go along the webbing instead of across, so I'm going to try and find some of those...(I'd prefer the Z logo instead tho':wink:)...

I don't think that XS makes one either. All the ones that I have had are made for a belt and won't be any different than the ones that Zeagle makes. Just checked the web page and I don't see anything different.
Actually, on mine I also moved the carrying handle strap above the upper tank belt. On mine, this carrying handle was between the upper and lower tank belts.

And I attached the trim pocket's velcro to this handle. The pockets now nicely wrap around the top of the tank. Looks pretty steamlined. I can post a pic if anybody is interested...

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