I am a new diver so I am still learning. And while I think running out of gas is an enormously mistake, we are human- this prone to stupid/dangerous errors. That said, I live by the old addage, 'hope for the best, prepare for the worst." Bottom line, I am no expert in diving, but I am an expert in SHTF.
To what extent a diver trains, they can expect themsleves to repond accordingly when they (failed to watch gas) or their equipmenmt fails. Train, train, train...if diver's train for catastrophic events(ooa sitation) etc, they will fall upon their training (muscle memory, etc).
I agree with you; a diver who fails once too many times is a danger to themselves, their buddies, and the SCUBA community- they should get their card pulled. But not without remediation and pattern of failure...not fair.