I just asked Errol ( a dive buddy of mine who is a GUE instructor here in South Florida) if he would write something up on the GUE concept of this....
Here is Errol Kalayci's explanation: ... " If one accepts that every dive done is a decompression dive as some amount of on gassing will occur when you descend, then you have taken the first step towards understanding Minimum Decompression. Minimum Decompression may be understood that for any dive, not requiring staged decompression, you should ascend in a controlled horizontal position at the prescribed table rate (usually approximately 30fsw/minute) up to your first stop. The first stop is set at 50% of depth. Your stops are all one minute in length and occur from that point, then every 10fsw up to the surface. By example, on a dive to 100fsw, a diver following Minimum Decompression would stop at 50fsw for 1 minute, then 1 minute at 40fsw, 1 minute at 30fsw, 1 minute at 20fsw, 1 minute at 10fsw. Which if you look at the profile what you see is that the typical 3 to 5 minute safety stops are really just spread across the water column.
Clarification please.
For a 100fsw dive, my ascent is 30fpm to 50fsw; do I then stop at 50fsw for one minute and then continue?
Do I then travel to 40fsw at 30 fpm for 20 seconds and then stop at 40fsw for one minute before continuing on to 30fsw?
Or do I do a slow ascent from 40 to 30, total ascent time plus stop time to equal 1 minute? Then 1 minute ascent time, including travel and stop time for each 10fsw?
Or is it, 20 second ascent time and 1 minute stop per 10fsw?