I was just diagnosed with neuralgia of the seventh cranial nerve, or Geniculate Neuralgia, a very similar neuralgia to Trigeminal neuralgia, which is much more familiar to most. My symptoms have been characterized by deep, excruciating, ice-pick like pain in my right ear, seemingly triggered by cold weather and/or altitude changes. I am extremely grateful that diving is not a trigger. (My husband's favorite hobby, skiing, is not so lucky.) One of my first thoughts upon receiving the diagnosis was: will this affect my diving? For now, my pain episodes are infrequent enough that I have a medication to take on an as-needed basis: Baclofen. If the episodes become more frequent, my neurologist will move me to Carbamazepine for maintenance. Is anyone aware of any increased decompression or narcosis risks with Carbamazepine? I would be much more at peace with this diagnosis if I knew that if I eventually need maintenance meds, it would not automatically preclude me from diving. I'm not asking for anyone to say: you will certainly be able to keep diving for life, as I realize that would be an impossible ask, but I'd love to know that progression wouldn't be an automatic disqualifier.
Thank you all.
Thank you all.