And Washington.
Our police department now has time to devote to other issues, and there's more room in the jails for the really bad to the core men and women. Get a couple drinks in a cop, and they'll enthusiastically agree that it's a good thing.....
My cop friends are about 80/20 in favor of legalization. However, in public, mixed company conversation they'll come down around 60/40. It's weird, and those that support legalization often immediately get defensive and start spewing silly statistics or reasons. They're obviously not comfortable stating their position. However, when I question what happens on the job? Pot just isn't an issue. They're glad not to have to waste that time, and unbeknownst to me, apparently, everyone has been smoking pot, lots of pot, long before we could go buy it at Bud's Garage. Who knew?
I live in left wing, pot smoking, socialistic Washington, so I really wondered about the rest of the country until my husband started watching this show called PDLive... yeah, yeah, I know. But they're real cops doing police work and they KNOW the camera is on, so even though it's TV I'm kinda using it as a reference. He noticed (and made me watch more than 2 hours to confirm, bless his heart...), that in any given city, in any state, almost ALL the people the police interact with have weed. And the cops don't care. Legal or not. Yes, these people usually have something much worse for the cops to deal with, but the attitude was interesting to see.