Just for point of clarity, don't say 'home invasion.' That is more correctly applied to crimes where a home is entered and the occupants detained during what is actually a robbery. It implies a violence not really happening.
Simple burglaries do occur and sometimes occur while the residents are present, I guess owing to the restrictions on how one can defend oneself under Mexican law. However, all reports I have read are common burglars with no desire to be confronted. They run away if detected like their pants were on fire. Hence they do not represent a physical danger to a victim, just a monetary one.
These sorts of burglaries might be on the rise in Cozumel, but relative to its size, not unexpected. The prosecution of offenders, especially juveniles, appears to be challenging in their legal environment.
That isn't really true. Sure the police would arrest and detain, even charge and jail an offender if the saw it. It might vary a bit place to place, at some point a victim would be required to be a victim, certainly at a trial. A victim that refused to cooperate will doom a case in the end. They would most likely drop the case and the criminal would be freed.
Hi Chief thanks for your insight. This article is in todays news and it is similar to others I have read regarding how criminals are handled. This might be "a little too close to home" for some here on SB.
Citizens seize the offender

COZUMEL, September 5 .- A subject was arrested by citizens, who assured the police that they discovered it at the time of entering to steal an address in the colony Centro. He assaulted the owner of the property and threatened to kill the people, although the municipal police were responsible for leaving him only 36 hours of arrest without turning to the Public Prosecutor for trespassing.
Around 8:40 hours on Tuesday, a subject was arrested inside a building located on 15 avenue between 7 and 9 south of the colony Center, because he allegedly had entered stealth to steal.
A neighbor noticed the intruder and made it known to the owner of the house in question and accompanied by other people, entered to secure the subject of this subject who managed to hit the owner of the house, however, because of the numerical superiority was secured promptly.
The municipal police were informed that they sent a patrol many minutes later, although among the people they obtained the arrest of this individual, who made threats against them telling them that he would kill them.
He was transferred to the preventive jail, nevertheless, it did not happen more because the agents only considered him like a detained by administrative lack and it was not taken to the Public Prosecutor's Office of the State because they had already passed two hours.
With this action, it seems that the elements are apparently failing to complete the necessary formats and turn it to the Prosecutor's Office immediately, as the Code of Criminal Procedure cites, for that reason, this individual will be released after 36 hours.