Part of the problem is that if the victim does not register a formal complaint against the criminal then there is no investigation and they are free to go.
Thieves in freedom

COZUMEL, Aug. 29 .- Two people were arrested for stealing the presidential house "Quinta Maya" owned by the Federal Government, under the jurisdiction of the Military Garrison. The irony is that there is no complaint to the Attorney General's Office, so there is no investigation, and they would be released.
These subjects identified with the initials JADC and SCP wanted to commit a daring robbery and taking advantage of an oversight in the deficient vigilance that elements of the Military Garrison carried out in the "Quinta Maya", being able to enter by the zone of beaches.
According to data obtained unofficially, upon entering the property were able to take over four flat-screen TVs, leaving without anyone noticing, although this house is guarded by military personnel and where the nation's presidents last Once they arrive on vacation to Cozumel, at some point Felipe Calderón Hinojosa and Enrique Peña Nieto and / or his family did.
Due to the importance of where the robbery was carried out, Public Security was given part, whose elements were making routes in the surrounding areas (something they do not in other cases) and according to the 35th avenue between 12 and 14 the colony April 10 found to the two subjects with the articles and were arrested to be transferred to the municipal jail.
It was mentioned that from the Military Garrison sent elements to corroborate that the articles that took these people in the streets belonged to them, and once checking the legal provenance they were returned.
They were also asked to file their complaint with the State Attorney General's Office, although they did not do so, because according to data released by Edgar Lomeli Dorantes, commander of the Ministerial Police, they did not take any person arrested for this robbery from Public Security , and for that reason the Ministerial Police is not carrying out any investigation in this respect.