Travel agency hidden markups

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Ok, so you don't think it is worth it, collison on a $2000 car is not the same as being in a foreign country, including all of the EUR. countries and needing medical attention. Guess what! if you got the cash you got the care!!! and if you aren't diving or your spouse doesn't dive DAN isn't any good to you. Do we make a commision? yes but guess what mostly under $20. THAT IS THE REASON FOR THE WAIVER you may be asked to sign if you don't take the coverage and please don't get angry when the travel agent tells you they probably can't help. Most of us do try and help with arrangements but the airlines really could care less and gone are the days of the friendly local manager at the counter as they now have to answer to the home office as well.

Awap you should have been told and given the option to not take the coverage but please don't state that it is not needed. Do you use your medical/dental every day? I bet your glad it is there when your sick. Oh by the way if you need to fly back early there are change fees and sometimes you will have to pay FULL FARE as well, any of this is well beyond the cost of the insurance.

'nuff said everybody make your own decisions
I'm not a T/A and never see a penny of it. So I feel I'm a fairly objective person, as it really doesn't make any difference to me if you've got it or not.

As I said, your ahead of the game ever time you don't buy it & don't need it. But it is a wonderful thing to have-when you do need it. I have never, ever seen anyone lose a $2000 (or $200 for that matter) trip and think it was no big deal. It is huge to them. And not only do I witness this on a daily basis, but there are usually several each day.

Let me also repeat...charter IS NOT scheduled air. Your options are very, very limited.
If you buy insurace that is 49.00 I make 4.90 cents on it.
Do you think that is why I think you should take it? So I can make 4.90?
Also remember I have to pay taxes on that 4.90.
Natasha once bubbled...
If you buy insurace that is 49.00 I make 4.90 cents on it.
Do you think that is why I think you should take it? So I can make 4.90?
Also remember I have to pay taxes on that 4.90.

I'm sure it is not just for the extra couple bucks. I suspect much of the push of insurance is to eliminate problems with customers should they run into trouble. Although I'm not at all sure I understand why you would "make people sign a waiver if they decline". It doesn't appear to be of any legal significance - just a little more pressure.

The ageny I purchased from offered insurance which I declined bringing my package for 2 to $1167. The other agency didn't mention insurance (or the service charge). They just told me the price of the package was $1342. When I asked what the extra charges were for, they had no reasonable explaination - that's just the price they get. Only when I dug into what was going on did they admit that they were also seeing the $1167 base price but added in a service charge and the insurance - and seemed to do what they could to conceal those extras. After they fessed up they did offer the package for $1192. So they made nothing & won't from me in the future.
People sign waivers so they can't comeback later if and when something goes wrong and tell the group leader or organizer that they were not "informed" about the coverage.

With a little common sense it is not that difficult to understand, especially in today's society when people take legal action because you looked at them crosseyed.

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