Pville, I don't know why you have so much animosity but let me clear up some of the blatant false accusations.
- Registration fees have been cut in half for this year. Don't think of it as paying to clean up trash. Think of it as a contribution to your BBQ dinner and FREE BEER. Your entry fee barely covers the banquet costs. Our goal is to transform this into a fully sponsored event with free shirts for everyone. See post #2.
- Entry fees do not go towards door prizes. Every single door prize was a donation from a sponsor.
- Trashfest organizers (I operate the website) are not paid one penny, nor even reimbursed for our motel room or travel expenses. The persons organizing the event change every year or two.
- I recall seeing no emails from you or anyone on the matter of which day to hold the event. Figuring you would include "University SCUBA club" in your signature line, I scanned for the text in every mailbox/folder we have with no results.
- If you consider our emails to be SPAM then PM me your email address and I will ensure it gets removed. Every participant email address we have was obtained voluntarily from the registration forms.
- The event date will not change this year. Too many materials have been sent out. We would be willing to hold the event on a Sunday if it produced better results but I think it is obvious that Saturday is much better. For one thing, over half of our participants come from Houston and holding it on Sunday would mean either skipping the awards banquet, making a 3 hour drive late at night after the awards banquet (and FREE BEER, I don't think so), or staying over Sunday night and needing to miss time from work on Monday.
Personally, I would like to see it be an all weekend event with some type of activity on Sunday.
Todd Hasken
TGCC Vice-President