"That drama wih my friend was the only time I went down to 175 and I admit it was too deep, too risky and foolish. It is what happened. Deal with it"
So was it 250' or 175' ? And no, Never been close to 300' never even made 200' Gone to 150'/170' a very few times " with doubles and a pony " 99% of my diving has been in the 20/80' range with most in the middle 40'... Sorry I miss read the 600' story... You can't change the laws of toxic oxygen and Nitrogen narcosis... And then you need to look at air consumption of a new diver ( can suck 3000psi in 30min) and air volume at depth... The numbers just don't add up... There are a lot of tec divers on this board that know " WAY MORE " then me... I'd love to have them run the numbers... I'm WAY to lazy to do all the math on paper with tables, When they got programs that will do it in seconds...
Now if you said you were at 60' and he got down to 90' or 100' then the story works on paper....
Oh...And welcome to scubaboard..... It's a fun place....
Are you saying its impossible for one of them to have survived a bounce dive to ~250 and the other a bounce to 175? There are threads here on SB stating that people do bounces to those kinds of depths and survive:
Not that I think this is a good idea. I wouldn't do it if you paid me. I just think arbitrarily calling him a liar requires you call a lot more people here on SB liars.