Spin off from Servicing your own regulators
As it was getting kinda confusing for first timers like me. For those not familiar kiss means keep it simple stupid.
So what are the tools divided into 3 categories with links for ones worth getting or better yet ones not to get. Simplified for us first timers.
1. Absolutely required
2. Not strictly required but makes things a lot easier
3. Purely luxury
Maybe this will help:
1. Absolutely required are tools to disassemble the regulator, correctly install parts, and re-assemble. Spanners, hex keys, etc.
2. Not strictly required are specialized tools that make installation easier (like herman's MK5/10 o-ring tool) or the double hook o-ring pick (makes removal of hidden o-rings easier without scratching the sealing surface), things like a decent vise, accurate torque wrenches, although purists would argue that is absolutely necessary. I know for a fact that it is possible to service regs without one; I use one but many shops don't bother.
3. Purely luxury are things like inline adjuster tools, ultrasonic cleaners, measurement tools like a magnehelic. If you service enough regs, you will eventually invest in many of these tools. I serviced my own for years without an inline adjuster or an ultrasonic, but now I use both. They're basically time savers. I still don't use a magnehelic; I trust my own senses to know when cracking effort is where I want it. I did have some initial issues where I set some 2nd stages a bit too light and they would occasionally free flow due to case fault geometry. I would be interested in getting a magnehelic, I'm not against them in any way, but I just don't personally need one to get my regs breathing the way I want them to.
Anyhow, if you want to know the minimum tool requirement, you must first find out exactly what tools are needed to take apart (and put back together) the reg you are going to service. That's about the best any of us can tell you without knowing what reg you are talking about.