Too much Cozumel info to surf!

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A newbie to this board and we're off to Cozumel soon for 7 days with 5 days of diving.

I'm sorry for the redundancy but I don't have the freedom to surf through all of the info on Cozumel hotels and dive operations.

So I've narrowed it down to this....we're staying at the Fiesta Americana and are looking at the following dive shops...

Dive House

Scuba Du

Sea Urchin


My wife and I are new divers and probably won't be all that concerned with the small details as many of the experienced divers on this forum.

Could you help us narrow it down? Much appreciated and thank you in advance!!
We staye at F/Americana about 6 weeks ago. It was GREAT. The food was the best.

We dove with Christi (On this board) the owner/operator of Blue XT Sea Diving. (

They picked us up at the F/A pier as scheduled everyday. Great trip, no hitches, great dives. Good value for the money. Check her web site out, you won't be disappointed.

Didn't mean to add one more to your list, but not adding Christi to your choices would have been a mistake on my part!
If you've narrowed your choices down to four you're doing quite well !!
out of the ones u have listed I have dove with Sea Urchin and I was really pleased with the customer satisfaction
Welcome to Scuba Board. You might want to add us to Favorites on your computer and check in often. Today - the sytem is so slow, it reminds me of the times it went down, but we're trying here, and - maybe this will help...

Here are a number of posts involving Aldora; click:

And here are a number with the word "Urchin" in them:

And here are some with "House" in them:
This one is going to have a lot of off-hits.

Couldn't get Du to search, but you'll see it in the other posts.

Really, if you two are new to Scuba - it probably doesn't matter which you do Cozumel with the first time. It's a very competitive market, so virtually all of the operators are going to try to do well by you, and - the crews all depend on happy customers who tip well.

I'm guessing that you might be just as well, the first time - as newbies, to check their web sites, shop around, and send them each emails asking what they can do for a couple of new divers staying at your hotel.

Have fun, amigo! don
Aldora tends to cater to more experienced divers. You might not want to consider them unless you are a larger group that they can put on a boat together. Just a thought. Whoever you choose make sure you let them know you are relative newbies. Try and find someone who will cater to you. You might also want to consider renting your own DM for the first couple of dives to increase your comfort factor. You are gonna love Coz!
Thanks guys! This is a great forum with a ton of information! I could see how easy it would be to spend hours in front of your screen. Anyway, I'll do a little more research and make a decision....we're leaving on the 10th!
Staying at FA makes the inhouse op, Dive House, very convient for scheduling, gear storage, and shore tanks. And being new divers, their little extra margin of safety should not be too inconviencing. The shore dive in their protected area is 25 feet with a number of 4 to 6 foot coral heads with plenty of life. Also, a quarter mile north is Dzul Ha (sp), a popular snorkel area. You can walk up & drift back. Might even be a good shore dive for a couple dollar taxi ride.

All your options seem quite good. You are going to do well with whomever you chose. A first trip anywhere is a learning experience but you are going to be diving Coz, so how bad can it get? Anybody on this Board would swap places with you in a second! Have a great time!
If your staying at FA I would also suggest Dive House. Large boats and they are right there. Easy to schedule additional dives in the afternoon if you so choose to do so. As mentioned, the additional safety margins offered by DH for newer divers is not a bad idea. Your getting used to a new area, drift diving which can be quite different for a new diver. Have a great time and FA will treat you well. Make sure you get out and try some local establishments for food. Great food to be found on Coz.

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