Let me tell you that my business partner and I were headed to Australia for a liveaboard and his jealous wife decided she wanted to go and became certified to do it. When she was "certified" for open water and stepped foot on the boat her dive log read two dives. My business partner was forced to break all the rules because he was forced to set up her equipment, read her gauges, and hold her hand the entire time they dove, because the organization who deemed her certified gave her a licsence that allowed her to jump in at the Great Barrier reef. What the certificate should have said was that she was able to breath air in a very controlled environment of 80 degrees with 100% visibility, no current, and no fish life that would shock her into a state of panic. I ended up having a great vacation with someone other than I intended after spending numerous years training and learning new skills to be able to safely enjoy. Although there are undertones of jealousy i my statment, I still am making the point that there should be more classroom for open water certification unless the organizations make discovery diving an actual certification.