well i think lots of people think about, a few of us even it tried before we were ever trained. Not endorsing this, simply admitting. My first official deco dive i was thrilled. I remember thinking "I'm doing a decompression dive" and feeling like the big fish in the little pond. Every minute was exciting just to be there. The training, the planning, I was just geek enough to enjoy all of that. Then you do some deco dives and now it's just time spent hanging in the water. Then you start doing some deeper deco dives and suddenly that time that was so exciting just to be there is dragging on endlessly as the minutes slowly tick off that you have accumulated in a 2:1 ratio if not more for you bottom time enjoyment. Throw in some unexpected cold water and the hang sucks. Your mind wanders, you begin to think in your mind I could cut off 10 minutes of deco and probably still be ok (like some twisted version of that old tv show name that tune). In the end, you do your hang, wish for summer to come and warm the water up, and smile when it's sunny topside and you are finally warm again.
at least that's my take on things
This is the quintessence of my experience with decompression dive. Cold and bored . . . and spending half an hour wondering whether what I just saw was worth $70 worth of helium and 30 very cold minutes.
I still love deep dives where you can do the deco on structure, and deep dives where you see unique critters. But scrabbling around to find dives so I can practice green water deco, not so much.