To Gold or Not To Gold, THAT IS THE QUESTION

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I am looking at purchising a wetsuit. I have decided on getting a Henderson. Now my question is this. Is getting the goldcore series worth the extra money when all that I am looking for is the Hyperstretch?
BOB, thanks for all the help that you have been giving me.
Hi Raypau38,
While I agree with the contents of the article "linked to"(?) in Bob's post, I don't agree with the "substitute gold for titanium" comment.
The titanium "hype" is just that -hype- as outlined in the article.
The "Gold" in a "gold core suit" merely refers to the color of the special (slick?)lining. There is no claim that the suit has any of the metal of the same name.
The lining helps create a better seal with your skin, creating a better fit, less water exchange, warmer-allegedly. There are other brands with similar lining, but 'gold core' is the name used by Henderson-again referring only to the color of the lining.
From what I have read, the hyperstretch improves fit-compared to 'regular" neoprene- because of the extra "stretchiness", and the resulting ability of the suit to more closely mold to the body.
I have never seen a "hyperstretch goldcore" suit, and can't comment on how both ideas would/could work together.
Good luck, and happy holidays,
I have both--goldcore and hyperstretch. The hyperstrectch fits better and is more comfortable due to flexibility. The gold core is slicker--easier to pull on and off, and dries faster. Both excellent choices, my personal preference is for the hyper.

I will have to comment and say that the slick lining in my case has been a very nice touch. A hood with the lining glides on effortlessly and is more comfortable to the neck and face areas. I have also been using a pair of excel gloves with the lining which are absolutely warmer than a slightly older pair of non-lined excel gloves of the same thickness. Due to the better seal no doubt. Not to mentioin that the inside of the gloves rinse easily and quickly. These are just opinions of course and I have not tried any hyperstretch yet.
So I got myself a Gold Core 3mm jumpsuit for my Caribbean/Indian Ocean trips, but I have one question about drying the suit.

The instructions say "always dry Gold Core with the fabric side facing out." Now which is the fabric side, the gold core lining or the neoprene exterior?!
Go Hyperstretch. Gold not worth the money. Hyper is great suit.
Well the gold core 3mm jumpsuit was only $25 more than th ehyperstretch equivalent.

Now how about an answer to my question?!
Nylon (fabric) is on the outside and gold is on the inside.

The gold side dries very quickly. I turn mine right side out after an hour or so as the nylon is much slower drying.

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