To car or not tonly car....that is the question. Tis it better to rent or taxi?

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We always rent a car, but it's really a splurge for the sake of convenience. My wife doesn't dive anymore and it gives her more freedom while I'm out diving. If we made a strictly economic decision, we would probably use taxis and rent a car for a day or two.
just spent 10 days staying at hotel coz, didn't need a car. They also have free bikes which we used a few times. just didn't feel the need for a rental car as the only place we might have used it was to go to the east side, but after so many times going to coz there really is no big draw to do that, took cabs a few times, once to the money bar, with the exchange rate cab rides are basically free on the island they are so cheap
I'm piling on here, but if you are staying in town I would not advise renting a car. In addition to what the others have said, parking is a problem in town, and there is significant risk - if you get into any sort of accident you cannot leave until all accounts are settled, and if you are at fault (and judgement will be stacked against you) it will be very expensive. Also, the taxistas know their way around the maze of one way streets and where all the restaurants are, you don't. If I had to drive to El Moro or La Perlita I don't know if I'd ever find them.
If we stay down south we always get a car. If we stay to the north we still get a car, but it isn't as necessary. We have never gotten a car when staying in town. It just isn't worth the trouble if you're going to stay in town.

So no it doesn't make financial sense for you to get a car. It doesn't make financial sense for you to get a kitchen either. You would have to cook and awful lot of bacon for that to make financial sense. It's nice to have a kitchen to warm up leftovers and make a quick sandwich if you want one. I doubt that you would save any money on breakfast though.

As far as things to see, there are things to see. You mentioned the car for booze runs. If drinking is one of your priorities then I would definitely stick to taxis for sightseeing. Have fun
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You don't need another opinion that you don't need to rent a car, but here it is anyway... :) If you are mobile enough you could even get away with no taxis, even to La Perlita or El Moro (they are a bit of a walk, but 20 -30 minutes). But they're cheap enough at any rate. And a $35 rental from Margarita at ISIS will get you a car for a day touring the island if you like.

I'll also weigh in on Casa Mex, it's very centrally located in town, which can be good or bad depending. I've stayed there 4 or 5 times, breakfast is nice, rooms are clean, but -- and this is just IMO -- unless you are on the top floor, the rooms, at least the ones i've been in, are sort of cavelike due to the architectural walls. We've stayed both on the front ocean side and the back town side (ugh, don't even). There are also not a lot of places to lay around and relax post dive other than the bed... I don't mean sunbathing. BXTSea picks up (or used to at least) at the pier in front of Bahia Suites so it's about a 2 block walk.

A few years back we found Blue Angel, and now it honestly feels like more of a tropical location. Very nice grounds with a lawn and chairs, hammocks, a nice pool with a little shade, and a downstairs lobby area that is very nice to hang out in post dive. There is a restaurant there as well that is in our opinion very good for a few meals. It's walking distance to town - about a mile -- or a very cheap cab ride, 70 pesos depending on the driver :^....

BXTSea picks up right at their pier. ETA there is also a decent shore dive at BA with an on site operator for tanks and weights.

Anyway, just my .02 on an alternative to Casa Mex. Both are very nice, but both have different vibes and offer a different atmosphere, all depends on what you are looking for from a vacation.
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You don't need another opinion that you don't need to rent a car, but here it is anyway... :) If you are mobile enough you could even get away with no taxis, even to La Perlita or El Moro (they are a bit of a walk, but 20 -30 minutes). But they're cheap enough at any rate. And a $35 rental from Margarita at ISIS will get you a car for a day touring the island if you like.
I recommend using a cab for that as well. The cab drivers are all very familiar with the other side of the island, and it's easy to make a deal. We usually have a group of 8 or so and we take the taxi grandes (vans) to dinner every night. We talk to the drivers and when we find one we like we ask them about it. Without exception they have always been eager to do it and we have always been able to work out a deal with them. They take us across to Mescalito's and stop everywhere we want to all the way around the loop. While we are eating, drinking, and hanging out they disappear, hanging out with the staff (often eating for free) or sitting in the van with a book. We have never felt hurried to move along or rushed to finish the loop, and the cost is comparable to what renting a van would have cost.

Best of all, I no longer have to be the designated driver, sitting up front driving while the party is in the back. For years I did that but I never will again.
I'll plug in another 2 cents here as well in response to a few posts.

My wife and I stay at the Casa Mexicana for 2+ weeks at a time and it is not uncommon to meet other guests who are staying there for a month or more during the winter. Yes, a room at the Casa isn't like having a condo but when you consider screwing around with cooking and shopping the Casa's breakfast buffet is so huge that you'll never eat a lunch if you take full advantage of it and all that will be needed are some afternoon snacks and libations after diving that can be purchased at the Mega. With the exchange rate where it is unless your diet is going to consist of rice, beans & tortillas you can dine out (outside the tourist trap area) far cheaper than you could ever eat in cooking yourself and you'll eat MUCH BETTER. A nice dinner out with a few beers will almost always cost less than $10/PP including a 20% gratuity and if you know or ask about the the secret spots you'll be more in the $6-$7 range PP.

With regard to hanging out at the Casa in the afternoon after diving, it doesn't offer a beach but the lobby is huge and the pool deck was just improved with nice couches in addition to the standard lounges they've had for the past 14 years. The pool deck is now far more inviting and we noticed many guests were now using it more and well into the evening with the new vibe that makes it more than just a little splash day pool / sunning area.

As far as room selection goes at the Casa, if you aren't staying in one of the delux ocean view rooms don't hesitate to ask management upon check-in or request prior an upper floor room on the cheaper city side. If they don't have one available when you check in and if you are willing to move the next day or 2 they will gladly let you relocate to a room with a better view.

As far as renting a car is concerned, you can purchase all the insurance offered in the world but wherever you drive you must be 100% sober and comfortable driving on streets loaded with scooters. If you seriously injure a local on their scooter the insurance you purchased is going to pay for everything EXCEPT lost wages which the injured is entitled to and that can get very nasty because your time being held by the tourist police is limited before you are turned over to the national police. You aren't leaving the country until the lost wages matter is settled and if one thinks because the average local makes a few bucks a day by US standards that they will settle for that they are wrong. The agreed to payment must be approved by the injured and his/her family. Want to fight over it? Get ready for a trip to a mainland jail (where you don't want to be) hire an atty and then wait a week or 2 for your case to be heard by a judge. Talk about spending $ and spending time somewhere you certainly don't want to be... Long story short, those are the risks of being a gringo driver in Mexico and 99.99% of the time nothing bad happens just like driving in the states but if it does and you've been drinking, ran a light, didn't know the right of way, drove the wrong way up a 1-way street and injured a local who requires medical attention get ready to drop several thousand dollars to walk away from it quickly while you're still in tourist police custody and get back to the states.
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All good points, if you want to drink definitely get a cab.

Good to hear the Casa Mex downstairs has improved. Still no napping in a hammock though. :). And full disclosure, the Casa Mex pool is as described a "splash pool," not even sure it's more than a couple feet deep? unless they redid that as well. Too much water over the carpet shop!

If a kitchen is important another option is Bahia suites, sister hotel to Casa mex so you get the breakfast. Rooms are not as nice IMO but just downstairs is the Thirsty Cougar which always looks popular. :)

Oh one more for the OP, if you want great pastries and coffee, Maple Bake House on Calle 6? North. Excellent for breakfast or a late night sweet. Good sandwiches too
Good to hear the Casa Mex downstairs has improved. Still no napping in a hammock though. :). And full disclosure, the Casa Mex pool is as described a "splash pool," not even sure it's more than a couple feet deep?

Yes, the Casa's pool is pretty much a dipping pool as you're right, the carpet store is right underneath it. I wonder if people shopping in that store know there's about 200 tons of water and concrete suspended over their heads! The pool is about 3 1/2' deep and probably 12' wide x 20' long at that depth then it extends about another 8' along its length back toward the lobby at about 8" deep which is good for really little kids to splash in accompanied by an adult. One isn't going to be swimming laps in it but it does offer a place for little kids to splash around and adults to cool off when sunning which can get HOT. We don't really care much about a large pool as by noon we've already spent 2+ hours in the world's largest saltwater pool.

Nope, no hammocks. I remember we once stayed at the Mayan Princess on Ambergris Caye and when checking in they handed us a hammock that could be hung between hooks in the walls of the balconies - have to say that was pretty cool! Downtown San Pedro on Ambergris about 15 years ago before they ruined it and cobble-stoned all the roads - airport had a dirt runway back then too. I remember all the locals were up in arms over cobble-stoning all the roads as no one wore shoes and they were all going to fry their feet on the new stone.

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