Does this only apply to rental insurance? If someone owns a car does their insurance cover the loss of wages?
Does this also apply to a Mexican citizen who injures a visitor?
If I am hit by someone and out of work will they go to jail until they pay for my lost wages?
If a Mexican citizen seriously injures a gringo (you) in a crash what are ya gonna do besides seek healthcare in the US as soon as you are stable enough to be flown back? Heck, I've known one Cozumel citizen who had to wait 4 months for heart bypass surgery and then it could only be performed in Mexico City which he had to pay to get to! (Maybe it could be performed elsewhere but he wanted it done in Mexico City and no where else). Once you've recovered are you going to spend thousands of dollars to fly back, hire and attorney, and stay for a few weeks while you wait for your day in court to pursue someone who has little or nothing of value to take in the 1st place? This is the reality of traveling to the 3rd world and let there be no doubt Mexico is a 3rd world country despite how nice the tourist areas may look. Mexican law and courts don't differentiate between fancy tourist areas and the other 99.9% of the country.
From what I understand (and I may be wrong), no insurance policy available to Mexican citizens covers lost wages either. However, if you are a Mexican citizen, injure another Mexican citizen, and don't have to catch a plane and get back to a job in the states the next week "lost wages" becomes a very different negotiation. I assume it is then based on realistic lost wages by a fellow Mexican citizen assuming it was a true "accident" and there was no criminal act committed (such as driving intoxicated).
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