To Buy Tanks or Not to Buy Tanks?

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I go diving about 2-3 weekends per month and am considering buying tanks to save on the rental costs (tanks are the only piece of scuba gear that I do not own). Is it really worth the money you will save on rental costs to invest in a pair of aluminum tanks and keep them in current hydro/vis? Anyone have any thoughts on this?

I'm going to sit down and work out the numbers to see if the investment is worth it. Just wondered if anyone here regretted buying tanks/wish they had bought tanks...
Our LDS has an "adopt-a-tank" plan where you can contribute to the cost of a new tank over multiple rentals. After X number of rentals you only pay for fills and can just come by the shop to pick up a tank when you need one. You might want to look into that - it's basically a win-win for diver and shop, as they keep fresh tanks in rental inventory plus handle the storage and the diver constantly has a filled tank to pick up and go with.
I doubt you will regret buying tanks, unless you buy a tank that can not be used. I bought a tank to avoid running to the shop to rent, then run to the shop to return. Easier having my own.

Should you buy a used aluminum. Some of the pre-1990 tanks are being phased out. Some pre 1990 tanks made from T6351. Shops in my area will not hydro them. Others will not fill them. This is documented on SB. There is a DOT warning, listing the batch numbers. Do some research.

Only regret I have is buying the first one...

My checkbook has hated me ever since. Currently I own 2 AL80s, 1 HP100, 4 LP95s, and a AL30 for staged use in deeper single tank dives.

It's not about saving money, it's about the right tank for the dive. I can dive my HP100 with my drysuit and shed about 8 lbs. I carry 22 ft3 more gas than with my AL80s. The AL80s are perfect for DMing. The 4 LP95s, what can I say I fell upon a deal..
Go ahead and buy a tank or two,you will not regret it.It is so convenient to be able to just grab all of your own dive gear when the urge strikes.I own five steel tanks, maybe more than I really need,but I do a lot of beach dives and I sometimes do multiple dives.It is also nice when a buddy needs a tank to borrow.
Goodness me! Diving that often, what’s holding you back? Heck a diver visiting here a couple of months ago got himself tanks for $30 and $40.
I've been diving 3 to 4 years. I've just finished buying my 2 steel 119. It has certainly made planning a lot easier. No more running to the Dive shop last minute to get tanks. No more trying to rush to return the tanks. Makes the hole plaining soooo much easier.

For anyone who is an active diver....owning your own tanks is a win-win situation!
It is much more convenient to own your own tanks. If you can find used tanks in good condition with a recent hydro and inspection, that's the best way to go.

Unless you dive frequently, in most cases it WILL cost you more to own versus rent... but being able to dive "spur of the moment" makes it worthwhile for me to own tanks. FYI, I still use my original steel '72 from 1976... and have an Al 80 from '86 I think... the point being scuba tanks will outlast the diver in most cases.

Good luck.
Careful, this is that path that leads to asking the same question with the word "compressor" in place of the word "tank".


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