I have three titanium backplates. One I finished myself from a blank bought from a guy in Ontario who used to sell them about 15 years ago. The other two I bought off e-bay from Chinese sellers. The last one cost $140 USD postpaid. This is an example
Lightweight High-Strength Diving Backplate Dive Back Plate Accessories
If you read the description it says its "Aluminum" yet in the description below that it lists it as "titanium alloy". This isn't the seller I bought from. But he is likely related to the other e-bay seller because the description is very similar. i.e. confusing. The images are identical to the ones I bought.
One of the two e-bay ones ($150 postpaid) was natural titanium. While the second $140 one was green anodized. . They were from different sellers and bought about two years apart. Both of the Chinese ones were very well made fully deburred, standard pattern, 2mm, with quick shipping. I wouldn't buy from China right now because until Covid travel restrictions end shipping from China is
completely unreliable. Pre covid delivery was two weeks so it came by air.