tips for finding dive buddies

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I did not expect such a large amount of responses so quick .I have to say i have read alot on scuba board and not posted very often. you guys are great

thanks again,
I've found finding scuba buddies even more stressful than finding dates. I *know* my potential buddies are better than me and have been with people significantly better than me, and I *know* that I'm not going to last nearly as long as they would like me to.

I keep telling you, "it's that knife in your avatar". :D

Girls are graceful and punctual and fart around less than men and look better and can dive the same.

They also tend to have more attention for detail and never fail to spot critters I would have overlooked.

Scuba J. Im in Central Kentucky and will be "practicing" in your quarry. Hell this board already worked.:acclaim: When I get my OW dives done I will be heading down there as often as I can. My bro in law is also getting certified so the three of us can dive together too. I'll look you up next month sometime.

I am going to join the local dive club and see if i can meet some dive buddies through the club. the tips i have received will be a big help too .

I feel your pain. I also tagged along with tagged along with dive shop classes with the same result. I certified last July and still don't have dive buddy (s). Which of course means fewer dives/not gaining experience not to mention frustration. I have only 17 dives, f'ing ridiculous!! Should have had at least twice that many by now. It really pisses me off.

I think the fact that more experienced divers don't want to shorten (new divers=air hogs) their bottom time along with all the rookie mistakes we make....make it difficult to find a dive buddy.
Is there really that big a problem with people refusing to dive with newer divers? I suppose it could be possible, in places where the only diving is off charter boats. But it sure isn't true here in Seattle. We have lots of people willing to dive with new divers -- I know of at least three regular weekly dives that welcome them!

I remember that, when I was new, I thought it was a huge imposition for someone more experienced to dive with me. From the other side of the coin, now, I know that new divers can be some of the best buddies (they're still respectful of the water, and attentive to their buddy) PLUS one gets to ride coattails on their enthusiasm and excitement about what they see.

Don't be too quick to assume that people don't want to dive with you.
To the OP, I've been very lucky to have met all my dive buddies on Scubaboard and even luckier to have the local Dive NY group from Scubaboard as regular local dive buddies.

Yes, by putting yourself out there, you'll find that SBers are always willing to help. It's a great community and you will get out SB what you put in. When I traveled to FL, CA and OH, I met up and dove with SBers I'd posted with online. :)

If you're ever in the NY/NJ/PA/CT area, come and dive with us.
zenhead --
how far away from mt. storm WV are you? and/or send me a PM if you want.

similar to others suggest doing some posts in your region and even possibly trying to phrase it as a request for a buddy.

If you have some specific skills you are hoping to go over that even makes it all the more clear for others that may be ready to jump in.

LDS classes work- - I would say some of the best "skill improvement oriented" buddies I've come across were from taking skill focused classes. For me my true LDS didn't offer, but ran across groups that trained/practiced at places that happened to be midpoints for me and them.

Similar to others SB has been a potential wealth. "meet and greets" great opportunities. Also really helps if one posts from time to time (alas that's not me) so people can recognize your call name etc. :)

ohhh offer beer and/or food... who wouldn't want to go diving with a buddy that brought food ? (one good buddy that moved away would bring hot chocolate for those spring/winter dives... god that was awesome)


being a new diver i would like to dive as much as possible to improve my skills as a diver.I have talked to alot of poeple at our local dive spot and they all are friendly but seem to keep to there group, but i have only been there 5 or 6 weekends and dont think i should read to much into my observations.I dive with guys from my lds but they are usually busy with the dive instructors and students and to be honest i feel like a charity case sometimes,so i just slip off when they are busy and usually dive by myself (probably not the best idea i know).any input or advise you can offer would be appreciated.

Act like a remora with some of those at your local spot 6 weekends get on with it but not so close they dislodge your mask. Wish you were here.
Prospective buddies talking about getting wet. HA. I'd love to try your twin hose one day. No worries lets go. Oh Ah Hmm. Seen him 100 times since. No try.
Oooh ahh wahhh I'd love to go diving today but my gear is in for service. No worries, I've got gear beautiful. Mnn ah prftt It's ok and turns on the TV.
Gee I booked a spot on the boat, hope they fill the spot, left my gear at home etc. Thanks the gear is unfamiliar?
One more please. A group great conditions great dive planned. Moaning groaning I wish I could come, my gear is at home. His home is five minutes away and we are sitting in the dive shop he works in surrounded by great gear. Shaaddup, idiot and someone gives him a Dinozzo.
Must be me. Girls are graceful and punctual and fart around less than men and look better and can dive the same.

Some of the most well thought out phrasing and lines of logic I've read in years. Thank you so much! :shocked2:

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