Time to open the Solo Forum?

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Yes, I have followed it all. If you recall mine was the first post that pointed you toward the solo forum, an implicit invitation to join. However, I then expect you to abide by the established rules of the forum. Which I copied and pasted into this thread for you. Did you read them?

And you are right, I was born a solo diver. I didn't have to ask anyone if I could be one.
I guess you haven't read all the flack I have gotten for opening up this discussion. ...

OK, you are new on Scubaboard. You ain't seen nottin. ;)

Seriously, the mention of solo was vitriolic in Basic and Advanced forums not long ago. It seems that the entire tone has changed in the last year or two, which precipitated the suggestion to open the Solo forum. Search the word "solo" and look at posts from 2013 and before outside the Solo forum. It was worse than IWR (In Water Recompression) or recipes for baby seal sliders.
I guess you haven't read all the flack I have gotten for opening up this discussion. I have, and if you can take a moment to put yourself in my position you can probably see why I would not want others who are not solo divers to experience this. I hope you are not saying i am the problem. Because there could be new people like me looking at this.
Unfortunately if an impolite post is not reported, it is likely to remain.
One post in that thread was reported and subsequently removed, but others …
Might be worth rethinking this rule.
Fotunately, unlike the gubbermint, we can use common sense. Having a discussion about the relative issues with solo diving is one thing: debating them is quite another. The biggest thing is that this is a no troll zone. If you feel a poster is simply being argumentative or trollish, report the post. The mods will look at it a bit more dispassionately. If they agree, the post will disappear. If not, it will remain.

As we have grown over the years, it's been my desire to let the community define it's own limits. They let us know what's acceptable and what is not by using the report post button. Akimbo actually reported the post asking to open up the forum. We read the discussion and while we often try to come to some mutual agreement, in this case I was about the only person who could remember why it was closed in the first place. :D My how things have changed. So I made an executive decision to normalize relations with Cuba, er the Solo Diving forum. If we need to tweak it as time passes, we can do that. We try to give you what you want!
Cuba would have been easier, you should have asked Elena...
The running joke in our family is that while I don't speak Spanish, I do kiss Cuban. :D :D :D
Yes, I have followed it all. If you recall mine was the first post that pointed you toward the solo forum, an implicit invitation to join. However, I then expect you to abide by the established rules of the forum. Which I copied and pasted into this thread for you. Did you read them?

And you are right, I was born a solo diver. I didn't have to ask anyone if I could be one.

I'm sorry I don't know what you are referring to "you are born a solo diver" perhaps you have confused me with some one else, I never mentioned this phrase.

You are probably aware of how some got carried away on criticism of my posting the solo question or even to have the audacity to open up this discussion. Someone actually reported it and the moderator took care of it. But it does demonstrate how some are really not capable of presenting their point of view without resorting to ridicule or other forms of negative expressions.

You know, it doesn't have to be this way.

---------- Post added February 1st, 2015 at 08:50 PM ----------

I suppose Richard has a point if two intelligent divers come up with different meanings. It could be really confusing for divers where English isn’t their first language. It might also be a good time to reexamine the “Attention - please read this first” sticky at the top of the forum page. Anyone interested in drafting samples?

Well you ask for it so here it is:


This forum is open to NON SOLO DIVERS interested in solo diving as well as EXPERIENCED SOLO DIVERS who want to discuss the limits, skills and techniques
as well as relative merits related to solo diving.

Those "OPPOSED" to solo diving are "NOT" allowed to express this view point on this forum.

What do you think?
Last edited:
Z gear. I see you may be getting close to slipping on your big kids underoos.
You are probably aware of how some got carried away on criticism of my posting the solo question or even to have the audacity to open up this discussion. Someone actually reported it and the moderator took care of it. But it does demonstrate how some are really not capable of presenting their point of view without resorting to ridicule or other forms of negative expressions.
As you did before you edited one of your posts. Kudos for that, but realize that we are all human. None of us are perfect and emotions can get the best of us. If you see a post that is border line or over the top, rather than escalate it, report it. Yeah, it's hard to pass up the opportunity to zing back, but it derails the thread.

You know, it doesn't have to be this way.
It doesn't, but it does take two to fight. Many take umbrage when someone asks a question and then doesn't accept the answer given. It's easy to cast blame and aspersions on everyone else rather than to analyze your own posting style. If you want to communicate, then it's up to you to alter your approach to elicit the desired results.

Well you ask for it so here it is:


Those "OPPOSED" to solo diving are "NOT" allowed to express this view point on this forum.
This actually inspired me to change it somewhat. Perhaps it's a bit more clear on our intent:

Greetings {username},

You have entered the Solo Divers forum.
This forum is intended to discuss the limits, skills and techniques related to solo diving. This is a "No Troll Zone". If you are opposed to solo diving, this is not the place for you. If you have questions, insights or experiences, then by all means let's discuss them.
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