I understand and appreciate the resistance to any sort of government interference with our favorite hobby; however, with an average of 150 death per year, it's simply unacceptable to think the government and insurance companies will turn a blind eye much longer (The 7 Deadly Hobbies: Pastimes Your Insurer Hates - DailyFinance). If divers truly don't want government regulation, now is the time make the sport safer by decreasing the annual fatality rate.
Is it going to be well received and a popular idea in the dive community? Of course not. Judging from the responses in this thread, ever diver is sure of their own skills and it's simply not going to happen to them. More than likely, right before their last dive, ever diver believed it would happen to someone else.
If you want to self-regulate, fine, but we need to do a better job. We will all pay the penalty, if we allow politicians to decided what's best for us.
We need to be pro-active.
You are an idiot in everything you said.
150 is a drop in the bucket, and I'd venture to say 1/2 those are medical incidents while diving. A computer alarm wouldn't resolve 10% of those deaths.