My wife has just bought a Mares Quad Air with the Mares LED-transmitter.
So far so good. So, I paired the Transmitter for her, easy. Since we had read in the forem that some people say the audible alarm is very low and cannot be adjusted I thought I check. So with the regulator attached and pressurised (above water) I closed the tank, and slowly let go of the pressure.
The LED blinked as it should, yellow at 100 bar and red at 50 bar. The Quad also showed the current pressure as should as I let of the pressure.
But no alarms happened. Neither did the pressure indication on the Quad blink nor did it make an audible alarm.
I asked 2 dealers, and they did not know for sure if this is normal or not.
There seems to be no way one can phone Mares (at least I did not find any number) and per email I have not had a reply in the last 8 days.
So, does any of you have a Quad with transmitter and could you tell me what the story is? Does the alarm sound and does the pressure on the display blink.
And while I am at it. I like to put it on a short hose as it very much looks like a handle you can lift the hole set with to get it in zodiac. Has anybody done this? I ask as I suspect it will need a swivel. What type, with a ring in the middle or not?
So far so good. So, I paired the Transmitter for her, easy. Since we had read in the forem that some people say the audible alarm is very low and cannot be adjusted I thought I check. So with the regulator attached and pressurised (above water) I closed the tank, and slowly let go of the pressure.
The LED blinked as it should, yellow at 100 bar and red at 50 bar. The Quad also showed the current pressure as should as I let of the pressure.
But no alarms happened. Neither did the pressure indication on the Quad blink nor did it make an audible alarm.
I asked 2 dealers, and they did not know for sure if this is normal or not.
There seems to be no way one can phone Mares (at least I did not find any number) and per email I have not had a reply in the last 8 days.
So, does any of you have a Quad with transmitter and could you tell me what the story is? Does the alarm sound and does the pressure on the display blink.
And while I am at it. I like to put it on a short hose as it very much looks like a handle you can lift the hole set with to get it in zodiac. Has anybody done this? I ask as I suspect it will need a swivel. What type, with a ring in the middle or not?