First off, Let me say that I appreciate everybody's input. Concepts and ideas need to be scrutinized by people who know what they're talking about. There's no doubt you guys are good divers.
In the perfect world, everybody would be a great driver (of an automobile), we wouldn't need seat belts, air bags, etc. but we all know that's not how the real-world works. In life, a lot of people forget, or simply decided not to follow the rules. A hypothetical couple on vacation, that hasn't done a dive in 2 years, are more than likely not going to be calculating SAC rates or have a solid dive plan. I'd say that they're more likely to get distracted too. These are the people who need to be targeted for better safety (idiot proof) gear.
Well, now you've switched tactics. Now you're talking about a niche product for a niche group of divers.
In a free economy, the void in a market gets filled. If there is a market for a dive computer that caters to morons then a manufacturer will create a product to take advantage of it.
Let vacation divers who aren't familiar with equipment, who haven't been in the water for 2 years solve their own problem through the normal conventions that diving provides today which is for them to do a refresher course, or get in the pool back home before they go on vacation, or hire a private dive master... etc... this in the real wold is called (accountability and accepting personal responsibility)
BUT - wanting legislation across an entire industry is not the answer to solve a niche problem.
We have enough dumbing down going on in our nanny state already. Printing warning labels on a package of steak knives that says "Objects contained are sharp and can cause bodily injury if used improperly." Isn't on the package to save lives of those few morons who are going to stab themselves in the eye with a steak knife because they didn't realize its sharp. NO, no, no... that warning label is on that package to protect the manufacturer from the Asshat lawyers in this country who will try to cash in on our moronic sense that everybody must be protected from themselves and must be compensated for their stupidity.
Dumbing down dive computers and legislation is not the answer ever, it's following the example in the warning label on the steak knives, because the more stupid we get, the less able we are to detect our own stupidity. Unfortunately there are more and more people who think a warning label on a package of steak knives is what should be there, and think it strange if there isn't one, and you're pretty much becoming that person. You look at a package of steak knives without a warning label and are alarmed by it, thinking something is missing. That is why you're so alone in your thinking on this thread. All of us get it, unfortunately, you don't. You're the guy who wants a warning label on the steak knives, all of the rest of us don't because we realize that warning label is much, much more than just a paper sticker on a package, it's an acceptance of what's wrong in America today and another step down the slippery slope of the nanny state that many of us have seen enough of.
Some of us watch Christmas Story and when the little kid wants the Red Rider BB gun and is told he will shoot his eye out, and we laugh and get the joke. Others hear that line and think it's not only good advice, but should be a warning label, and we should pass legislation protecting people from themselves regulating the purchase or BB guns with age limits. Which one are you?
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